Russian Military Buildup in Kaliningrad Puts Europe on Edge

New satellite imagery shows Russia is readying for war in the heart of Europe. How will European nations respond?

New satellite imagery made public on October 17 shows that Russia is engaged in a military buildup and major upgrades of its military installations in Kaliningrad.

Kaliningrad is not geographically connected to the rest of Russia. It lies on the southern edge of the Baltic Sea, roughly 650 miles west of Moscow, and shares borders with Poland and Lithuania. Since this Russian territory lies right on nato’s doorstep, it has long been an area of great concern to European nations. The concern is largely due to the weaponry Russia has deployed there, including a nuclear weapons storage bunker and Russia’s Baltic Fleet.

And now, new satellite imagery from the Israeli ImageSat International company shared with cnn shows that “a major modernization is underway in at least four locations throughout” Kaliningrad.

The images, captured between July 19 and October 1, show new upgrades to Kaliningrad’s nuclear weapons site as well as a major expansion of the Primorsk Port. The imagery also shows Russia building a new railway and 40 new bunkers and significantly upgrading the Chkalovsk air base.

The images also reveal ongoing upgrades at the Chernyakhovsk base, headquarters of the 152nd Missile Brigade. In February, Chernyakhovsk received nuclear-capable Iskander missiles, which have a range of 250 miles and can accommodate ground-penetrating bunker busters, electromagnetic pulse weapons and nuclear warheads. A United States defense official called the Iskander deployment “the biggest move we’ve seen” in Russia’s militarization in Kaliningrad. Now the site is undergoing significant upgrades.

This is a major buildup of Russian military installations—and it’s happening right inside the heart of Europe. And the main significance of this development by Vladimir Putin’s Russia is the effect it will have on Europe.

cnn said the new imagery is only the latest development that is exacerbating hostilities between Moscow and Europe: “Tensions between Russia and the West have been at highs not seen since the Cold War, amid the poisonings in England, allegations of Russian election meddling, and Western sanctions on Moscow.”

On Monday, the Trumpet pointed out that many of Putin’s efforts to divide Europe are “backfiring” and actually acting as a unifying force for Europe.

Some 15 years ago, just after Putin had manipulated a major election in a way that tightened his grip on power, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry forecast that such acts of Russian behavior would frighten Europe into uniting.

In an article titled “Russia Frightens Europe—and Fulfills Bible Prophecy,” Mr. Flurry wrote:

Russian elections have recently moved President Vladimir Putin much closer to becoming a dictator. This strikes intense fear in Europe. The Europeans still remember how violent Russia was in World War ii, and Russia is a close neighbor with massive piles of nuclear weapons. …

The Russian election is triggering a fear that will hasten the uniting of the European Union. …

A more dictatorial Russian government is coming fast, and you need to know where it is leading.

Mr. Flurry based his forecast on Bible prophecy. He quoted parts of Daniel 11, which says “tidings out of the east and out of the north” will “trouble” a power called “the king of the north.”

Mr. Flurry explained that this is about modern-day Russia frightening modern-day Europe. In the 15 years since that was written, Putin’s Russia has grown more dictatorial and more provocative. The combined effect of all this Russian aggression—including its new military buildup and upgrades in Kaliningrad—is working to unite Europe.

For more insight into what the future holds for Russia and Europe, please order a free copy of Mr. Flurry’s booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’