Four Responses to the Iran Nuclear Deal

The deal with Iran has generated varied responses. Combined, they paint a momentous historic picture.

Following the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran, opinions for and against were quickly vocalized by many world leaders and analysts. We should take a vested interest in what is being said, because different leaders believe the deal is either a harbinger of peace or of destruction. Can we accurately gauge the truth?

1) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

We begin with Israel’s response. “The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday.” These first words of Netanyahu’s grave-faced address set the tone for the ensuing four somber minutes.

Netanyahu spoke about the enormous risk leading international powers have now undertaken. When the deal was signed, the P5+1 nations took the gamble that in 10 years’ time Iran’s terrorist regime will have changed. But in reality, when those same nations signed the deal they removed any incentive for Iran to change. “In fact,” warned Netanyahu, “the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change.”

He then explained how the coming decade is set to reward Iran with hundreds of billions of dollars. This “cash bonanza,” as Netanyahu described it, “will fuel Iran’s terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region, and its efforts to destroy Israel.”

“Amazingly this bad deal does not require Iran to cease its aggressive behavior in any way,” he said.

Backing this statement, the prime minister gave an example July 10, when thousands rallied in Tehran chanting “death to America and death to Israel.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani participated in the rally.

Netanyahu then pointed to statements made by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. On March 21, Khamenei said that the deal does not limit Iran’s aggression in any way: “Negotiations with the United States are on the nuclear issue and nothing else.” Then just last week he said, “The United States embodies global arrogance, and the battle against it will continue unabated even after the nuclear agreement is concluded.”

By quoting the ayatollah, Netanyahu shows how Iran’s aggressive regime is not going anywhere. If anything, its pursuit of regional goals and the destruction of Israel will only be enhanced under the current deal. Iran will receive $150 billion to do with as it pleases. Netanyahu believes this will empower the Iranian regime beyond the 10-year scope of the deal, and will inevitably lead to a stronger, more aggressive Iran with a fully stocked nuclear arsenal at its disposal.

In summing up, the prime minister solemnly stated, “What a stunning historic mistake.”

2) U.S. President Barack Obama

Mr. Obama also thought this was a historic moment, but his description was altogether different. He labeled it a “historic understanding.”

In an address at the start of April, the president spoke about the framework for the deal we see today.

After a brief explanation of the changes in Iran since he came to office, President Obama took the time to highlight the positive impact of sanctions on Iran. He spoke of how the world rallied together to bring Iran to the negotiating table.

Then came a surprising statement: “And recall that at the time, skeptics argued that Iran would cheat, that we could not verify their compliance, and the interim agreement would fail. Instead, it has succeeded exactly as intended. Iran has met all of its obligations.”

Unfortunately, this clashes with reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (iaea). In a damning report released on July 1, the iaea said that Iran had failed to comply with the Joint Plan of Action. Iran had not converted recently enriched uranium gas to powder form. The Institute for Science and International Security backed this up, releasing a report saying that Iran had “definitely not” converted the uranium hexafluoride into uranium dioxide. In fact, only 9 percent had been converted—a clear failure to comply with the interim agreement. The White House let Iran off the hook by blaming technical problems.

Mr. Obama continued, “[I]t is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives.” If his objectives are to preserve the regime in Iran, invigorate its quest for regional domination and the destruction of the West, and also provide it with a legitimate nuclear program capable of producing a nuclear arsenal, then, yes, this is a good deal.

Now a deal has been signed, and again the president has addressed the public.

After highlighting the key points of the deal, the president made clear that this deal is final. He promised a veto on any legislation that prevents its implementation. His mind is made up, and there is nothing congress can do to stop him.

“I believe that we must continue to test whether or not this region, which has known so much suffering, so much bloodshed, can move in a different direction,” President Obama said. And all the while Iran will test the limits of its newfound power. The region will most definitely be moving in a different direction, just not the way that President Obama wants.

3) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

“The international community is removing the sanctions and Iran is keeping its nuclear program,” Rouhani stated July 14. It is ironic that the clearest summation of the ludicrous nature of the deal comes from Iran’s leaders, not Washington. They are the ones who stand to gain everything and lose nothing. Rouhani announced to the Iranian public that “all our objectives” have been met.

Rouhani is excited about what has happened. Iran has come out of the negotiations as the overwhelming victors! Iran went in seeking the removal of all sanctions while maintaining its nuclear program. According to Iranian reports, that is exactly what it has received!

Rouhani reassured the people, “No one can say Iran surrendered. The deal is a legal, technical and political victory for Iran.”

The president’s jubilation was echoed by the ayatollah, who had to sign off on the final agreement. In a letter posted eight minutes after Mr. Obama’s address, Khamenei warned Mr. Obama that he ought to be wary of the P5+1 nations fulfilling their end of the agreement, not Iran. Yet all the while he is the one crying “death to America.” Rouhani attends rallies where America is hailed as the “great Satan” and the Stars and Stripes are burned by chanting mobs.

No wonder Iran’s leaders are so happy. They have gained a tremendous victory, while sacrificing next to nothing.

4) The Trumpet

Following President Obama’s infamous Cairo speech in 2009, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote the following:

After visiting Saudi Arabia, [Mr. Obama] delivered his keynote foreign-policy speech at Cairo University in Egypt to define America’s relationship with the Muslim world. Iran is the most important part of that subject. Iran isthe king of terrorand makes the Middle East tremble! But President Obama didn’t even mention the word terrorism in his speech! …It all gets back to Iran, Iran and Iran! Yet our president will hardly talk about the brutal king of terrorism. …Will it be a problem when the Iranians get nuclear weapons? They will use them—they have said as much! Their plan is to wipe Israel off the map! If they have a chance, that is what they will do.Is it really rational to think you can stop a murderous terrorist juggernaut with apologetic words? History is replete with failures who tried that approach.

That was written in 2009! Look at the deal that has just been agreed upon. Look at the overwhelming victory Iran has gained. Apologetic words and soft diplomacy have handed Iran billions of dollars with which it can fund its reign of terror. Iran has been given the opportunity to maintain and even advance its nuclear program!

The signing of the nuclear deal is a historic moment—but as Trumpet managing editor Joel Hilliker writes, “most people fail to understand why. A full appreciation for its significance requires viewing events from the unique perspective of how it fulfills biblical prophecy.”

If you haven’t already, read Mr. Hilliker’s article titled “How the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Will Change History.” In it he states:

Perhaps the most fearsome question of all is, what will happen when Iran gets a nuclear weapon?This deal was supposed to prevent this. In reality, it guarantees it—it is simply a matter of time. The Trumpet has warned for years about how the Bible’s description of the sequence of end-time events reveals it will be a radical Middle East power that triggers World War iii. It also reveals emphatically that this war will be a nuclear war.

For a detailed look into Iran’s role in these earth-shaking Bible prophecies, request our free booklet The King of the South.

It is important to reflect on what world leaders are saying about the nuclear deal, but far more weight should be put on what God says about it. This deal is going to reshape the Middle East and will affect every person alive. The rise of Iran is pivotal to the fulfillment of major prophecies that—while destructive in the short term—will culminate in the spectacular return of Jesus Christ.