Germany—a Realistic Assessment

A German paints a refreshingly realistic view of the direction in which his nation is headed.

COLOGNE—The setting, the decor, the music and the food are all decidedly Turkish. Yet the city is very German and very ancient. Cologne can trace its history back to the Romans. In fact, evidence exists that settlement in this area along the banks of the Rhine River dates back to Noah’s day. But this evening we are dining in a Turkish enclave on the outskirts of the city. Our friend, a German who specializes in the analysis of Germany’s foreign policy, has suggested that we might enjoy a meal at one of Cologne’s oldest Turkish restaurants, so we accept and enjoy the experience together.

The conversation is about German affairs, in particular German history and the current trends in Germany’s foreign policy. There is a remarkable congruence between our respective views. They happen to gel with the views of the realist school of German historians, social commentators and geopolitical analysts. Yet these views—which also happen to significantly align with Bible prophecies—on the uniqueness of the German character in its ability to trigger aggression under certain circumstances are far from fashionable today.

There is a profound reason for this according to our German friend.

His view, as a German ethnic and a serious student of the nature of Germany as a nation, is that 1945 is seen as a watershed in German history. In fact, it’s more than that. The German nation has been conditioned to think that a profound change in national cultural and societal norms occurred in the wake of the nation’s defeat in World War ii—suddenly the Germans awoke to their true potential as a peace-loving democracy.

Power, as Hans Morgenthau wrote, is control over people’s minds.

Something happened to the collective German persona after 1945. Something happened to the community attitude toward Germany within the dominant Anglo-Saxon nations in the ensuing decades separating the terrors that Germany perpetrated in two great world wars. The general public had their minds conditioned to accept that the “new Germany” had separated itself from the “old Nazis” and had undergone a wonderful transition into an impeccably well-behaved typical Western democracy.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Over recent years, archived records have been examined by writers and commentators of impeccable credentials to prove that the United States in particular aided and abetted the absorption of entrenched Nazi supporters of the Hitler regime into the whole infrastructure of postwar German society. It was not that the nature of the German peoples changed. It is that a collective benign view of the German nation was deliberately created and foisted off onto an unsuspecting public. This, as Ludwig von Mises and Sebastian Haffner explain, in addition to a number of other astute observers of German history, has resulted in a highly dangerous situation.

That there are Germans of natural goodwill is undeniable. That Germany has contributed greatly to the development of modern society scientifically and technologically is beyond question. That German high culture has added a quality to Western society that is invaluable is a given. That Germany has caused great havoc to other nations is part of documented history. It is this latter quality of the German character that has too many within and outside of Germany in great denial. That is why the true nature of the Nazi-inspired European project now manifest in the European Union of today is comprehended by so few.

Thus it is refreshing to sit a couple of hours and explore this wonder of foreign policy sleight of hand with one of today’s most astute commentators from within the scene on German soil.

Recently one of our readers wrote, “I was just introduced to the Trumpet! And being interested and also being of German heritage, I would like to know more. … It seems to me that your present viewpoint is anti-German, and if so, is this based on fundamental facts, or another Germanophobe ideology? I like the way your magazine writes, but are the present feelings another anti-German ideology, or are [you] printing something akin to fact, which may indeed become fact in the not-too-distant future?”

It is not unusual for some of our readers to react emotionally upon reading the plain facts about Germany and to draw the conclusion that the Trumpet is anti-German. This particular reader it seems is striving to be objective in evaluating that which he is reading in our magazine. The Trumpet subscribes to the biblical dictum “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” We strive to give our readers well-researched articles on current events that are in the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy, and our intent is to underwrite the facts of our subject matter with ironclad proof. We do like to challenge our readers to check up, with an open mind, the material we produce and prove it for themselves. The reason that this article is datelined Cologne is proof of our intent to search out the facts “on the ground” when the occasion demands and provide our readers with an up-to-date feel of vital world events.

Last Sunday’s federal election in Germany was such an event. It was an event viewed so important by our editor in chief that he thought it appropriate that the events leading up to it and the fallout from last Sunday’s vote be monitored and reported on from the region within which it was happening. This we have sought to do and will continue our analysis as vital events continue to unfold surrounding the rise of the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. For that is what we see occurring right now in Europe, and in particular at its beating heart, the great nation of Germany.

In respect of last Sunday’s election, our editor in chief observed, “That election and events to unfold from it are going to bring devastating consequences to this world. A dangerous political structure has been built in the European Union, and it’s about to get a lot worse. History thunders its strongest warning ever! It’s time that people understood that history.”

The Trumpet is acutely observing the events that now daily unfold resulting from Germany’s recent election. One of the many views that are being currently aired in respect of Germany’s election outcome is very close to that which Bible prophecy foretells is soon going to be an underlying trend in Europe. A few astute observers on the scene in Germany are stating that Chancellor Merkel has lost a good deal of credibility within her own party for delivering the Christian Democratic Union’s (cdu’s) poorest performance in its history. There is a belief that she has made two great political errors, and both relate to religion. She insulted the pope and she has failed to recognize and support the Catholic roots of the cdu. The fact that she has endorsed a homosexual as her vice chancellor and foreign minister has added to the prospect of the conservative Catholic political right wing working to oust her during her new term as chancellor. Clearly, it would seem, Merkel’s days leading Germany are numbered.

Bible prophecy forecasts that Rome will soon muscle in on the European Union and provide it with one significant thing that it lacks—a unifying, binding ideology to weld its mixture of iron and clay together and thus allow its very brief but severely catastrophic rule as the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire to proceed.

Keep watching Europe. Keep your eye on Rome. And watch Germany for those events prophesied by our editor in chief to rapidly become a powerful reality. And as you do so, use our well-researched booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire as your guide. It will give you a solid framework of reference within which to check up and prove the inerrancy of the Bible prophecies that have predicted these great events millennia ago.