Ireland May Cull 200,000 Dairy Cows to Meet Climate-Change Targets


Ireland may be preparing to decimate its dairy herd—literally. Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue told rte Morning Ireland on May 31 that he had been looking into a range of options to reduce methane emissions, including culling 200,000 cows over the next three years.

The Irish government estimates the plan would cost the nation $640 million and help the agricultural industry reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent over the next seven years.

Climate scam: Ireland produces about 68 million tons of greenhouse gases per year; about a fifth of these emissions are produced in the rumens of cattle or sheep. So culling 200,000 cows would reduce the methane emitted into the atmosphere.

Yet when properly managed, grass-fed cattle herds promote plant growth, pulling carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere and putting it into the soil. A study conducted by the National Trust, a nonprofit organization based in the United Kingdom, found that grass-fed beef production actually reduces atmospheric greenhouse levels when carbon sequestration is considered. So attempts to eliminate one 10th of Ireland’s cows in the name of fighting climate change are really just an attack on Irish agriculture.

Prophesied blessings: Most biblical patriarchs had large herds of cattle, and God promised the Israelites that He would bless their cattle herds if they obeyed His law (Deuteronomy 28:4, 11). The fact that just six nations—Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States—possess 15 percent of all the world’s cattle herds is one of the many proofs that these nations are descended from ancient Israel.

Yet God also promised to allow wild beasts to rob end-time Israel of their children and destroy their cattle if they rebelled against Him (Leviticus 26:22). Some of end-time Israel’s leaders today have the reasoning capacity of “natural brute beasts” (2 Peter 2:10-12). The fact that they are destroying cattle for no good reason could be prophetically significant.

Learn more: Read “Weaponizing Environmentalism” and “The Global Warming Scam.”