Trumpet Hour: Pedophilia Rights, Death by Poor Eating, the Battle of Agincourt, and More


Trumpet Hour is a new radio program on Writers for discuss the most important news and why it’s important to you. This episode’s discussion includes:

  • Do genetics determine morality? Some argue that your sexual orientation is determined by your genes—but do you realize that this argument so often used by homosexuals is now being used by pedophiles? The first segment on today’s program concerns his article, “Get Ready: People Are Trying to Normalize Pedophilia.”
  • A new study by the leading authorities on global disease shows that the number one cause for premature death in the world is poor diet. Are you putting things in your mouth that are killing you? We interview nutritionist Jorg Mardian to discuss this study and what you might want to do about it.
  • Six-hundred years ago this week, the famous British Battle of Agincourt took place. Why is this still considered the most heroic battle in Britain’s history? We talk to history buff Abraham Blondeau about his article, “600th Anniversary of Agincourt.”
  • And finally, a word about keeping your word to your children.
  • This episode aired on October 28. Tune in at every Wednesday at 8 a.m. cst or Friday at 4 p.m. cst to listen to Trumpet Hour.