Israel Searches for a New Alliance

Who is prophesied to be Israel’s new best friend?

The relationship between Israel and the United States is rapidly deteriorating.

This plain fact was highlighted on November 20, when Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for Israel to look beyond the U.S. for alliances. “The Americans have a lot of problems and challenges around the world that they need to solve, and they have problems at home,” Lieberman said, speaking in the town of Sderot. “We need to understand them and our place in the global arena.”

Lieberman could have been referring to any number of “problems at home” and “challenges around the world”—but the more pertinent fact is that Washington has been showing not only that it is unable, but that it doesn’t want to support its strongest ally in the Middle East.

The call for a reexamination of the alliance with the U.S. from this infamously forthright politician is really just a description of what Israel is already doing. The swing away from America is definitely underway.

Looking Elsewhere

Ever since the election of Hassan Rouhani and the return of Iran to the nuclear negotiating table, Israel has found itself more isolated than ever. As Washington has forged a new relationship with Iran—which has repeatedly called for the annihilation of the Jewish state—it is distancing itself from longstanding allies such as Israel.

As the U.S. ramrods the negotiations in Geneva, Israel must be wondering who it can turn to for support as its historic “brotherhood” alliance with the U.S. falls apart.

Looking at credible powers Israel could unite with, there are limits. Russia and China are supporters of Iran. Regionally, Israel is encompassed by enemies. Even Saudi Arabia, which fears Iran obtaining nukes, still hates Israel.

One power that, at times at least, seems pro-Israel, is strong enough to be an effective partner, and is genuinely concerned with Iran’s growing belligerency, is Europe—primarily Germany.

This year has seen a definite change of pace in strengthening ties between Israel and Germany. But few are aware of the prophesied snare that Israel is blindly walking into. To longtime Trumpet readers, the thought of Israel going to Europe for help—particularly Germany—should set off alarm bells.

Best Friends

Last year, during the Gaza conflict, Germany stood proudly beside Israel as much of the world condemned the Israelis for defending themselves. Angela Merkel stated, “Every country has the right to defense, self-defense and the protection of its citizens.” Then, on November 19, the next day, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle traveled to Israel to meet with Israeli heads of state, beating U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by two days.

Details later emerged of an EU contingent planning to deploy on the Gaza-Egypt border to prevent weapon smuggling into the Gaza Strip. The mission was likely planned by Germany and Israel during the conflict last November.

Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald observed: “If this is true, it indicates that the Germany-Israel relationship is stronger and tighter than most people know. It shows that Israel clearly believes Germany possesses the desire and the means to preserve and defend it. It indicates that Germany is replacing America as Israel’s go-to ally in the region.”

On March 12, 2013, Israeli President Shimon Peres stood before the European Parliament and begged for more European involvement in the Middle East. It was the first time an Israeli leader has addressed the body in almost 30 years. President Peres focused on two specific issues: the importance of the European Union branding Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and its taking action against Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

In early October, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Europe: “[B]e strict, be strong, be consistent.” He told reporters that he keeps two photos on his desk. One is of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, and the other is of Winston Churchill. The Israeli prime minister said we can all learn a lesson from Winston Churchill, because he stated, “Don’t let the Nazis arm. Don’t give immense power to an inflexible, extremist regime.” Netanyahu is trying to relate the Nazi rise to that of Iran, but he is missing the far greater danger.

Prophesied Deception

Brad Macdonald wrote an article titled “We’re All Falling in Love With Germany” in which he warned of Germany’s true motives:

Can you imagine? Many British and American leaders were infatuated with Germanyjust years before Hitler thrust the world into a nightmare! There’s a powerful lesson there for us today. Sure, no German leader is publicly declaring his hatred for Jews the way Hitler did. Germany doesn’t appear to be as militaristic. We haven’t seen ominous edicts like Hitler’s Nuremberg laws. Nevertheless, Germany—in spite of, or perhaps because of, its long history of imperialism—is rapidly gaining dominance.History demands that we be more careful.

Israel, of all nations, should be aware, because their own Bibles warn of a coming betrayal by Germany. It is all bound up in the prophecy of Judah’s “wound” in Hosea 5:13. You can read about this in a September 2006 article by Gerald Flurry, “The Outcome of the Israeli/German Relationship.” The wound is Israel’s peace process with the Palestinians. Land for peace and other concessions to the Arabs are leading Israel toward destruction. And many Israelis are starting to see the effects. But notice that they won’t go to the U.S. for a remedy. They go to the Germans!

In that article, Mr. Flurry wrote, “The Israelis will finally see that their peace pact with the Palestinians has failed. The Jews really only see the effect of their wound. They don’t see the cause. That is why they turn to Germany for another peace pact! This time they place their trust in an even greater enemy! Once again they fail to trust God. It will lead to the worst disaster in the Jews’ long history of suffering.”

It is clear that Israel has forgotten recent history. Less than 70 years ago Germany tried to erase Israel from existence. In an August 2008 article, Mr. Macdonald wrote: “Israel’s leaders and media pundits ought to be considering this evidence and asking themselves one simple question: Can Israel trust Germany? Even a child would answer with a resounding no! Yet Israel’s leaders are still showing increasing trust despite the deadly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel sentiment saturating the collective German mindset.

This scenario exhibits all the signs of a spectacular double cross in the making.”

This is the dangerous situation Israel faces. It no longer can trust in its old ally, the United States. But as dangers in the Middle East intensify, it can’t afford to go solo. So politicians like Lieberman are calling on Israel to look abroad for new allies. And Germany is waiting with open arms.

If you can see through Germany’s current image, and combine that with Bible prophecy, then you can have vital hope! While a German double-cross may soon take Israel and the world by surprise, it will be brief. Such actions are prophesied to occur only moments before the return of Christ. From that time on, the nations will have Jesus Christ and God the Father as their greatest allies, who will never betray them.

For more on Germany’s double-cross and Judah’s “wound,” be sure to read Jerusalem in Prophecy.