Latest Chinese Cyberattack May Be ‘Most Dangerous Yet’


The cyberattack that breached the United States’ Department of Energy (doe) servers last week may have been the most dangerous yet, according to an assessment by Business Insider published Monday.

Unnamed government officials claim that the Chinese hackers behind the breach did not retrieve any “sensitive” information from doe databases. Still, since the doe is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the U.S.’s nuclear arsenal, the implications of this breach are especially sobering.

This assault comes on the heels of several major cyberattacks—on the New York Times, Washington Post, Twitter and the Wall Street Journal—all originating in China.

Washington has said cyberattacks on U.S. infrastructure are considered acts of war. But, even though experts have said the attack on the doe could only have been coordinated by a “nation-state,” there is no hard evidence definitively implicating the Chinese government. Beijing seems to know that the U.S. no longer has the stomach for real confrontation, so it is likely that these “acts of war” will continue unabated.

Computer dependence is the most vulnerable point in America’s military defense system. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has warned of this vulnerability since January 1995, when he wrote: “America is the greatest superpower this world has ever known. But we have a very vulnerable point in our military—our own Achilles heel. … Exploiting this vulnerable point may trigger the greatest shock in the history of warfare! … Computer dependence is the Western world’s Achilles heel, and within a few years this weakness could be tested to the full.”

For more information on this alarming weakness and where it will lead, read “U.S. Vulnerable to Cyber Pearl Harbor.”