Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • December 28, 2016

Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama has abandoned allies, embraced enemies, and reacted coolly to earthshaking catastrophes. Bret Stephens wrote, “Strategic half measures, underhanded tactics and moralizing gestures have been the president’s style from the beginning.” On today’s show, Stephen Flurry discusses Mr. Obama’s legacy and how it will impact the future of the United States.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • June 29, 2016

As far back as the early 1930s, Herbert W. Armstrong used Bible prophecy to make bold forecasts about the future of Europe. For years people scoffed at those predictions—but now they’re coming to pass in the exact detail the Bible said they would. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry reviews the key points of Mr. Armstrong’s prophecy about Europe and explains how it is being fulfilled right now.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 7, 2017

United States President Donald Trump posted a tweet over the weekend accusing former President Barack Obama of wiretapping his offices during the presidential campaign. The mainstream media immediately ruled out the possibility that Mr. Obama could be guilty—ignoring the fact that his eight-year presidency was riddled with spying scandals. This latest battle in the war between President Trump and the media is another indicator of the shift in America from objectivity and truth to bias and opinion-based reporting. Stephen Flurry discusses this and more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Article • July 18, 2018

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • January 19, 2017

On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry examines some of the drastic changes we can expect to see under the administration of Donald Trump. Mr. Trump’s animosity toward the European Union is helping drive the United Kingdom toward the United States. Bible prophecy, however, warns that Britain will follow America down the path to ruin. Mr. Trump’s rejection of the EU in favor of Vladimir Putin’s Russia is also a deeply disturbing trend that shows just how far America has drifted from God. All this, and more on today’s show.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 17, 2015

The reaction of French politicians after last week’s attack compared to the earlier Charlie Hebdo incident is startling. “November is not January,” the New York Times noted yesterday. Beyond France, Europeans are upset and worried by the prospect of terrorists streaming into the Continent thanks to the European Union’s lax border controls. The mood in Europe is changing, reality is setting in, and this time around, things are different. Tune in to the latest Trumpet Daily Radio Show for more analysis on Europe’s response to these mounting crises.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 3, 2016

Many Americans are angry about the course the United States is taking. And as the campaign season continues to heat up, there has been no dearth of politicians promising to restore America’s greatness. The U.S. was the greatest superpower in history, and understandably people are upset as they begin to see that status fade. But there’s only one way to actually make America great again, and no politicians have come close to proposing this solution. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry looks back at what made America great in the first place.Also on today’s show, the growing rift between Germany’s ruling coalition and what it means for the nation’s leadership.

Trumpet Hour Radio Episode • August 21, 2015

Asylum seekers and immigrants are overrunning Europe, putting pressure on European countries economically, culturally and politically. Trumpet Hour discusses why this is such a major story. Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, took office two weeks ago. He’s moving this Eastern European nation to an anti-Russian, pro-German stance, which will have significant impact on Europe. Next, Syrian immigrants are flooding Lebanon making this tiny nation vulnerable to incursion from the Islamic State. What might this mean for this strategically important nation? Trumpet writers give you the answer. Finally, the Trumpet Hour discusses the currency war the world is waging and how it points back to disturbing history and threatens world war. All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 10, 2016

A Brexit could do more harm to the European Union than most people realize. “British withdrawal would be a thunderous shock to the EU project,” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote this week. With a potential Brexit looming, and the eurocrisis still on going, Europe’s best hope for success lies in Germany.In the Middle East, Jerusalem experienced another surge of violence over the past week. Just ahead of United States Vice President Joe Biden’s visit, a Palestinian terrorist went on a stabbing spree in Tel Aviv, wounding 13 and killing one, an American student. Israeli officials have responded strongly to the attacks, condemning Palestinian leaders and those who promote the violence. Yet the United States, Israel’s biggest ally, has continued to offer support to Palestinian leadership.On today’s show, Stephen Flurry explains what Bible prophecy says about where these events in Europe and the Middle East are leading.

Article • December 7, 2007

The European Union makes known its desire to move south.

Article • October 12, 2013

Daniel 11:42-43 mention specific countries that will be deeply involved in fulfilling end-time prophecies. Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia factor heavily into these prophecies in Daniel. Current events in the Middle East are leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 12, 2019