Steady increase in response


Since The Trumpet Daily started in May, the overall trend for response has been a slow but steady increase in calls, downloads and literature requests. Like all projects God begins through men, the start is always small, like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32). But it grows over time. In less than six months, we have produced 110 different episodes of The Trumpet Daily and 60 new reprint articles have been created to support the message of TD.

Most of our viewers prefer to download their literature directly from our website (35,865 downloads, averaging more than 1,494 per week). However, we have also mailed a lot of literature—15,169 hard copies, which amounts to over 630 pieces per week on average. Our most popular booklet requested is Why ‘Natural’ Disasters? Mystery of the Ages is the most popular book. And the reprint “This Is the Life! Real Abundant Living” is our most frequently downloaded pdf from the website. The daily programs have also generated 235 requests for Raising the Ruins, 500 subscriptions to the Trumpet magazine print edition and 321 new students for the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course.