Deviance and Perversity Is Normal

How a movement spawned in the ’60s works to the destruction of society today.

Back around 35 years ago when I was working for the Australian government in that nation’s capital, Canberra, an academic gave me a research paper purporting to prove that no human behavior can be judged as deviant.

The academic had been a campus child of the ’60s at a prestigious university and had since moved on to become a lecturer at Canberra University and an occasional consultant to the government. At the time, I did not realize that he was part of a deliberate strategy adopted by the socialist left in Western society to penetrate and take over all major institutions of government. We live the results of that takeover to this day.

The one thing I noticed during that six-year tenure in Canberra was the distinct difference between the outlook on life of my contemporaries, born in the war years of the late ’30s and early 1940s, and that of our juniors born in the following decade who hailed from the campus life of the tumultuous ’60s through to the early ’70s.

The most telling difference had to do with morality. Whereas most of my peers working for the government at the time were established family men and women exhibiting a reasonable dose of conservatism in their outlook and demeanor, the younger set were quite overt in expressing a multitude of views geared against the mores of traditional Anglo-Saxon society.

That generation had been brainwashed from elementary school to university into a way of thinking that was quite foreign to my peers and to me. It was not hard to see why when they opened their mouths. Their language was replete with ideas and phrases drawn from Mao’s little red book, from such leftists as Nietzsche, Foucault, Weber, and the American fads of the time, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Sontag, Leary and others.

The uniformity of the language they used really exposed the brainwashing of those students of the ’60s and early ’70s. Though almost like a foreign tongue to me, it was a language at once deeply socialist, amoral, and aggressively challenging to the old traditional virtues—in particular from the newly “feminized” young women—in addition to being seemingly deaf to all reason and common sense.

These were the offspring of the “Age of Aquarius,” the decade of the ’60s which social commentator Roger Kimball describes as “a synonym for excess and moral breakdown,” a decade of “wrong turns, dead ends, and unacknowledged spiritual hazards.”

Today we see the results of that cultural change through its effect on the caliber of leadership that is currently leading the Anglo-Saxon nations down the road to our reduction to second-power status and even worse.

In his brilliantly cutting exposé of this phenomenon, The Long March, Kimball gives the history of the great cultural revolution that swelled up from the campuses of the ’60s and ’70s, imposing a cultural tyranny of the left on Western society.

So successful was that cultural tyranny that the process that engendered it and which continues to this day has since become invisible. Invisible to the extent that deviancy and perversity have become accepted norms in human behavior. As Kimball writes, “Acceptance breeds invisibility, the ultimate token of triumph.”

Thus that which was formerly accepted as being anti-social behavior—the deviant, the perverse, the abhorrent, the illegitimate and the shameful—becomes accepted as “normal” human behavior, and the law is changed to even entrench such behavior in society and protect such as whom engage in it.

This automatically places those who seek to hold to the true values and virtues, especially those invoked by the Creator of humankind, at odds with overarching public opinion, and thus at odds with society as a whole.

As a consequence, those who hold to the principles of the most virtuous practices of Western civilization, prevalent at its peak, become perceived by the new culturally revolutionized society as its enemy. To speak the plain, unadulterated truth becomes politically incorrect, the righteousness of the Decalogue is viewed as mere superstition, virtuous behavior in accordance with biblical standards is condemned for being intolerant of other “lifestyles,” no matter how abhorrent those “lifestyles” might be.

The result of this cultural revolution has been a shattering of the moral core of Western civilization, in particular within its former moral leading lights, the Anglo-Saxon nations. In fact, the Anglo-Saxons have become leaders in the debasement of human behavior.

A number of astute commentators have written on this phenomenon of the massive overturn of traditional Western virtues in the decade of the ’60s and its impact on society today: Alan Bloom in The Closing of the American Mind, Robert Bork in Slouching Towards Gomorrah, and Gertrude Himmelfarb in The Demoralization of Society, to name just a few.

But it was French essayist Alain Finkielkraut who, in his book The Undoing of Thought, so succinctly summed up the effect of the cultural revolution on the latter half of the 20th century: “When hatred of culture becomes itself a part of culture, the life of the mind loses all meaning.” Finkielkraut went on to observe that “Two decades [the ’60s and ’70s] have been enough for deviance to become the norm …. The long process of the conversion to hedonism and consumerism of Western societies has culminated today in the worship of juvenile values” (emphasis added throughout).

Referring to the Ginsberg-influenced Beatnik fringe of the late ’50s, Roger Kimball describes the phenomenon of the cultural revolution that followed in its wake this way: “As the ’60s unfolded, attitudes that had characterized a tiny minority on the fringes of culture were more accepted into the mainstream. By the early 1970s, they had become the mainstream.”

This was achieved by the institutionalizing of the deviance and perversity of the immoral few as part of mainstream education. Thus began the brainwashing of those who would emerge from the colleges and universities of the West to join what leftist guru Antonio Gramsci termed “the long march,” borrowing the term from the cultural revolutionary phenomenon of Mao Tse Tung’s Chinese regime.

This was the strategy adopted by leftist radicals: to have their graduate students penetrate the establishment from within and work to overturn every single moral bastion on which the greatness of Anglo-Saxon society had been built. The German Jewish philosopher Herbert Marcuse describes this deliberate leftist strategy as “the long march through the institutions”—actually seeking employment with the enemy, being the established institutions of Western society—politics, the legal system, the bureaucracy, religion and education in particular—initiating a subversive process of “working against the established institutions while working in them.”

The result of this mass penetration of our Western institutions by an immature socialist elite has been, to use Kimball’s words, that the West has been victim of a movement that “tore apart, perhaps irrevocably, the moral and intellectual fabric of our society.” As historian Lee Congdon declares, “we ought not to treat the contemporary ‘culture war’ lightly; the fate of what remains of civilized life may well be decided by its outcome.”

In beautifully politically incorrect terms, Roger Kimball observes that “The Age of Aquarius did not end when the last electric guitar was unplugged at Woodstock. It lives on in our values and habits, in our tastes, pleasures and aspirations. It lives on especially in our educational and cultural institutions, and in the degraded pop culture that permeates our lives like a corrosive fog.” Amen to that!

Few of us realize the impact that the cultural revolution has had on our lives, from the universal wearing of adolescent T-shirts, blue jeans and flip-flops to the unquestioned acceptance of degraded standards in music, fashion, entertainment and the dumbing down of news broadcasting to mere cake for the masses.

At its heart the problem is spiritual.

As Roger Kimball points out in describing the effect of the cultural revolution of the ’60s, “perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the spiritual deformations we have witnessed are global, and affect every aspect of life.”

It takes a huge lump of intestinal fortitude, commonly called “guts,” to take a stand against such overwhelming efforts to pervert the human mind to the point that it becomes completely blinded as to its reason for being. For truly, the human mind is spiritual in essence. It is open to the massive impact of spiritual battering from a very perverse source, an intellect far superior to that of man, yet corrupt at its very core in the extreme.

The Word of God reveals that power as “Apollyon,” which means destroyer (Revelation 9:11). Elsewhere he is labeled as “a liar from the beginning and the father of it” (John 8:44). In yet another instance he is revealed as “the god of this world,” who has blinded mankind to reality, to the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4). It is he that is the source of the complete inversion of truth through the cultural revolution of the ’60s.

Thank God there is a far superior mind that has established ultimate, unchangeable reality (Malachi 3:6), the eternal universal truths that set the standard for correct human behavior, that clearly define our reason for being and the tremendous potential for which we have been created.

If you truly desire to be unshackled from the ways of a society progressively going mad, from a power intent on perverting everything that is truly good, right and truthful, then read our book The Incredible Human Potential. It will show you the way to unshackle yourself from being a slave to those who have “changed the truth of God into a lie” (Romans 1:25). The way to fulfill your incredible God-given destiny!