Britain Slinks Away From Israel

Bubbling below the surface, a toxic mix of delegitimization and demonization against the State of Israel risks undermining the relationship, says the outgoing Israeli ambassador to the UK.

British Prime Minister David Cameron resigned from being a patron of the Jewish National Fund (jnf) recently as part of a general review of charities.

The Prime Minister’s Office claims the decision was made because of Cameron’s workload—not politics or ideology. However, this comes shortly after the Stop the jnf Campaign wrote an open letter to the prime minister urging him to abandon the charity.

The jnf has existed for longer than the State of Israel. It buys land and works to reforest and improve it. Yet liberals in Britain are now accusing it of “war crimes” and “ethnic cleansing.” Commentator Melanie Phillips details how ridiculous their claims are here.

But even if Cameron’s decision has nothing to do with this controversy, at best it shows that Israel is now a low priority for Britain. Historically, leaders of all three of Britain’s major parties have been patrons of the jnf, but now none of them are.

In an article on June 1, outgoing Israeli ambassador to the UK Ron Prosor pointed out how segments of British society are anti-Israeli.

A Liberal Democrat baroness, for example, supported claims that Israeli doctors were harvesting organs in Haiti after the earthquake there last year. A council in Scotland recently banned all books by Israeli authors.

“On British campuses, a minority of aggressive, radicalized and even violent students have hijacked the discourse from the majority,” wrote Prosor. “Hard-line Arab and Muslim speakers are hosted with impunity.”

“In many ways, the friendship between Britain and Israel is in reasonable health,” says Prosor. “In strategic dialogue, counter-terrorism and coordinating a response to the Iranian nuclear threat, we are working together as never before.”

“But bubbling below the surface, a toxic mix of delegitimization and demonization against the State of Israel risks undermining the relationship,” he says.

If the current level of demonization of Israel remains unchecked … our room for cooperation could be narrowed. Our relations are like a luxurious penthouse suite, all mod-cons and stunning views, perched on top of a dilapidated apartment block. The foundations are shaky, water floods the basement and rising damp stains the building. Without repairs to the lower levels, there could be serious damage.

Britain’s accommodation of radical Islam is pushing it away from Israel. This is part of a dangerous trend that is pushing Britain, America and Israel apart. For more information, see our article “The Tie That Binds America, Britain and Israel.”