Britain: Al Qaeda Fifth Column in BBC

Recently released WikiLeaks documents from the Guantanamo Bay detention center portray Britain as a “hub of Islamic activity,” implying the BBC may be a “propaganda network” for al Qaeda.

In a front-page article last week, London’s Daily Telegraph claimed that several Guantanamo extremists were found to have a direct-line phone number to the bbc and that the U.S. government itself suspected the bbc of being a “possible propaganda media network” for al Qaeda.

According to the files, American forces uncovered many “extremist links” to this same bbc number, which suggested that terrorists were in contact with sympathetic bbcemployees who had information on “acm [anti-coalition militia] operations.”

An April 21, 2007, detainee assessment states:

The London, United Kingdom, phone number … was discovered in numerous seized phone books and phones associated with extremist-linked individuals. The number is associated with the British Broadcasting Corporation (bbc).

The released documents, written by senior U.S. military chiefs at Guantanamo, also state that terrorists from all over the Middle East and Africa had flocked to London, that Britain had ignored repeated warnings to stop granting them asylum and that London had thus become a “haven” for extremists. They reveal that the United States was not at all surprised at the 2005 tube bombings which killed 52.

These revelations are enabling people in Britain to understand exactly why the French secret services have nicknamed Britain’s capital “The Pakistan of the West” and “Londonistan.”

The revelations also brought out that Britain furnished more members of al Qaeda who ended up as part of Guantanamo’s prisoner population than any other nation. No fewer than 35 of those prisoners had been radicalized by Islamic preachers in Britain.

Melanie Phillips wrote: “Sadly, I’ve been proved right. Britain IS a center of terror. … [E]ven without any knowledge of this [bbc] entry in the al Qaeda Rolodex, some of us have long thought the same thing. … Al Qaeda terrorists are drawn to London like bees to a honeypot” (Mail Online, April 27).

Does it matter that the bbc should be in contact with al Qaeda terrorists?

The bbc occupies a very powerful and influential position in British public life. It has been described as having the influence of America’s pbs, cnn, Fox News, National Public Radio, the New York Times and the weekly newsmagazines all rolled into one. Its main tv and radio news programs reach some three quarters of the British people.

Leo McKinstry writes that the political elite like to pretend that the problem of Islamic extremism is only a small issue and that the “vast majority” of Muslims are peace-loving. McKinstry says this is self-delusion: “Given that the Muslim population in Britain is now 3 million, even if only 10 percent of them are fundamentalists, that still represents around 300,000 people—a frightening number. Yet even that estimate is too conservative. Recent surveys have revealed that 40 percent of Muslims in Britain support the barbarity of sharia law, while a third of Muslim students believe that killing in the name of Islam is justified” (, April 28).

In an article titled “The Deadly Left-Wing Media,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote:

The left-wing media blind many of our people to reality—the way things really are. The terrorist nations know that and use it to their benefit in a frightening way.Winston Churchill faced the same weak, deceitful kind of media in the 1930s. Almost all the media REFUSED to see Hitler for what he really was—until it was almost too late! …This issue gets to the heart of the survival of our peoples. That is how important it is. …Why should our most courageous young men and women risk their lives while most of the media condemn what they are doing? In the process we are fulfilling a prophecy where God says He will “break the pride of your power”—or will to use that power—because of our sins (Leviticus 26:19).

Britain is in great danger from its blind tolerance of militant Islam and the collaboration of its state-funded, left-wing media. For more information on how the British have allowed extremist Islamism to infect their nation from within, read our article “The Sickness in Britain’s Heart.”