UK Schools Get Ready for LGBT History

The British government works with the homosexual lobby to promote child abuse in British schools.

This is but the latest attempt to brainwash children with propaganda under the camouflage of education. It is an abuse of childhood.
Melanie Phillips
February is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (lgbt) History Month in British schools.

Its organizers have a self-proclaimed radical homosexual agenda, and the month is encouraged by the British government and sponsored by several government departments, including the Department for Children, Schools and Families, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, the Department of Health, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Ministry of Justice.

In connection with lgbt History Month, the government’s Training and Development Agency for Schools is funding lesson plans for children as young as 4 that are designed to use geography, design technology, language classes and even math and science to promote a homosexual agenda.

Britain’s Telegraph published a summary of these lesson plans over the weekend:

Maths—teaching statistics through census findings about the number of homosexuals in the population, and using gay characters in scenarios for maths problems;Design and technology—encouraging pupils to make symbols linked to the gay rights movement;Science—studying animal species where the male takes a leading role in raising young, such as emperor penguins and sea horses, and staging class discussions on different family structures, including same-sex parents;Geography—examining the transformation of San Francisco’s Castro district in the 1960s from a working-class Irish area to the world’s first “gay neighborhood,” and considering why homosexuals move from the countryside to cities;Languages—using gay characters in role play scenarios, and teaching “lgbt vocabulary.”

So 4-year-old children could soon be assigned math problems such as: Two lesbian parents decide to have a daughter. How many people are in their family now?

The Training and Development Agency is spending £35,000 (us$55,206) on the lesson plans, and it will be backed by the Department of Education, though teachers will not be forced to use the plans. The lesson plans are being drawn up by Schools out.

Schools out is a radical homosexual organization. In its mission statement, it writes that it works to eradicate “homophobia and institutional heterosexism.”

The term heterosexism simply means the belief that heterosexuality is normal and homosexuality is not.

lgbt History Month and Schools out, both funded and supported by the British government, are working to make homosexuality look normal. And they’re starting with little children.

“Absurd as it sounds, this is but the latest attempt to brainwash children with propaganda under the camouflage of education,” writes British commentator Melanie Phillips. “It is an abuse of childhood.”

In Gaza, young children are bombarded with tv programs and textbooks that tell them that Jews are worse than animals and need to be killed. On the tv show Tomorrow’s Pioneers they get to know lovable Disney-like animal characters, only to see them killed by the Jews. This kind of propaganda causes scars that it will take a miracle to heal.

What is going on in Britain is equally damaging. Children are being brainwashed into believing that deviant lifestyles that will fill their lives with misery and are bringing about the collapse of the nation are normal and healthy.

The speed at which British society is accepting homosexuality as normal is breathtaking. Just seven years ago it was illegal for schools to promote homosexuality. Since then, the leader of Britain’s Conservative Party has apologized for that law. Now teachers are encouraged to promote homosexuality.

The British government may claim to be family friendly, but in God’s eyes it has a lot to answer for. It is wrecking lives and bringing upon the country swift destruction. For more information, see our article “The Pride of Sodom.”