The Joy of New Life

One of the greatest proofs of a Creator is the miracle of conception, gestation and the birth of new life.

I’ve been privileged to witness the birth of two of my own children and a number of my grandchildren.

Having spent most of my life disproving the theory of evolution and collecting the overwhelming evidence proving the existence of Almighty God, all of that accumulated somewhat academic proof seems so superfluous when one views the miracle of human birth.

Spring is the season of new life. It’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere and already some of the early season offspring of the four-legged kind are emerging, first tentatively tottering to their legs, then soon becoming quite sprightly, making sure to stay within eyeshot of mom and a ready meal.

Animal reproduction is, in itself, a perpetual seasonal reminder of the great Creator who set the cycles in motion that yield fresh new life each spring. My most immediate acquaintance with the process of animal reproduction is with horseflesh. Having attended a number of mares in foal, helped raise their progeny from birth to weaning and beyond, I am still in awe of the basic, unerring instincts and the totally reliable cycle of life that produces a fine-bred animal ready for training at the hand of man to become his reliable servant.

True, these are but animals, yet with a tremendous capacity to learn behavioral characteristics and habit patterns based on training by the hand of man. But though these animals have an excellent brain, they have no mind. Animals cannot conceptualize, they cannot convert symbols into language, they cannot think, dream, envision, create. At the physical level, only the human mind is capable of such power.

Thus it is that the birth of a new human being is a wonder far and above that of the animal, possessing a potential so vast, if we were only to comprehend it, that it is capable of achieving anything that it can imagine (Genesis 11:6).

The horror of the day is just how cheapened this miracle of human birth has become within society at large.

Abortion is not much more than a routine process these days with numerous medicos prepared to profit from the business of slaughter within the womb. Whole generations have been raised who seem to place no real emphasis on the sanctity of the vibrant life conceived within a woman’s womb. Murder of a living, breathing, walking, talking human being is a crime on the statute books of most countries. Yet abortion is accepted as a mere routine medical operation by too many.

On the other hand there are the unconscionable multiple mass murderers. Extremist regimes have used genocide as a tool of politics and war from time immemorial. This is a sin condemned by the majority. Yet the elimination of a living human embryo, possessing the potential to be born as a human being, is somehow seen by many as either a lesser sin or not a sin at all.

The sheer wickedness and the depravity that spawns the regimes that count human life as next to nothing (except the individual lives of the murderous perpetrators of mass human slaughter) boggles the minds of the truly civilized. Yet the civilized, caught in the grip of this politically correct, morally relativist mindset which is so rampant in Western society today, are entirely too content to allow such regimes to flourish and continue to wreak their carnage. They have even revered their philosophies as having some value—witness the popularity of Mao’s Little Red Book with the campus set of the ’60s and ’70s. Comparable, or perhaps even worse, is the renewed popularity of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Modern China, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, the butchers of Darfur, the Congolese cabals, these are but latter-day types of the old crooked, murderous regimes of Mao and Pol Pot, not to mention their even earlier mentors, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler.

Then there is the bloody history of one of the most murderous of empires, the Holy Roman Empire, with its perpetual resurrections and declines, wading through a sea of blood for over 1,500 years to convert the world to its universal, imperialist religion.

Go back in history even further and we see how the sacrifice of new little lives on alters of blood and fire was endemic to so many ancient pagan cultures.

Given all this wretched history, still the civilized world is willing to kowtow to China, compromise its so-called humane convictions, and slap the nation on the wrist for its human rights breaches with what amounts to nothing more than the equivalent of a wet tram ticket. This, rather than risk insulting the nation upon which it is so dependent for propping up its economy, by roundly condemning it and powerfully penalizing it for its grossly overt inhumane acts.

How cheap human life has become on this weary old planet, how utterly useless our great institutions in stemming the tide of human carnage.

That’s what’s so refreshing about experiencing the birth of just one new human life into a warm, caring and loving family that will cherish it, nourish it, is willing to endure the pain for the gain of training up a child in the way that it should go that it become a responsible member of society, reaching for the stars, and beyond, to fulfill its very God-ordained destiny—its incredible, human potential.

Oh! What a joy is the birth of such a little one, given the revelation as to the very reason for its birth and the incredible human potential that awaits it!

Read The Incredible Human Potential for a glimpse of the true vision of the God-given destiny of each and every human being that has ever lived … and died!