Venezuela, Bolivia Accused of Sending Uranium to Iran

Uranium flows out, and terrorists flow in.

Venezuela and Bolivia are sending uranium to Iran, according to a secret Israeli report obtained by the Associated Press on Monday. The report also states that Hezbollah agents have been working in Latin America to bring “America to its knees.”

The Israeli Foreign Ministry document states: “There are reports that Venezuela supplies Iran with uranium for its nuclear program. Bolivia also supplies uranium to Iran.” The report concludes that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is teaming up with Iran to undermine Washington. AP reports:

Venezuela and Bolivia are close allies, and both regimes have a history of opposing U.S. foreign policy and Israeli actions. Venezuela expelled the Israeli ambassador during Israel’s offensive in Gaza this year, and Israel retaliated by expelling the Venezuelan envoy. Bolivia cut ties with Israel over the offensive.

The report also states that Iranian-controlled terrorist group Hezbollah has set up cells in Latin America. It says Venezuela has given Iranian residents permits that allow them to travel freely around Latin America.

Iran and Venezuela have also supposedly created a $200 billion fund to persuade more Latin American countries to join the cause of “liberation from the American imperialism,” according to the report.

“Since Ahmadinejad’s rise to power, Tehran has been promoting an aggressive policy aimed at bolstering its ties with Latin American countries with the declared goal of ‘bringing America to its knees,’” the report concludes.

Venezuela is “a large and most underreported threat to America’s national security,” the Trumpet wrote last year, citing an incident in March where Colombian officials seized 66 pounds of uranium from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (farc) terrorist group. farc has strong links with Venezuela, suggesting that it may have been planning to transfer the uranium from Venezuela to Iran.

Uranium flows out of Venezuela, and terrorists flow in. This poses a great danger, not just for the Middle Eastern nation of Israel, but also for the United States. For more information, read “Is Chávez Helping Terrorists Go Nuclear?” and “Playing Fast and Loose With Megadeath.”