Center of World Terror


Israel recently captured a freighter with 50 tons of weapons, including tank-destroying missiles. The captain admitted the cargo was for Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority (pa). He also said Iran supplied the weapons.

This brought a swift reaction from Israel’s prime minister, Ariel Sharon. He said Iran was the “center of world terror.” That is the truth. (For more information, write for our free booklet The King of the South.) However, most of our leaders don’t have the courage to even make such a statement.

This blatant act of aggression violated every peace treaty made between the pa and Israel.

Israel’s defense minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, said Iran was the “world’s number-one exporter of terrorism.” So Israel is not only blasting the pa, but also Iran.

Mr. Sharon stated (emphasis mine), “We know exactly in which part of the world we live and the link being created between the Palestinian Authority and the world’s center of terror, Iran. … The pa is a major player in the network of international terrorism, spearheaded by Iran and aimed at sowing death and destruction throughout the entire world” (Jerusalem Post, Jan. 7).

These statements only confirm what our magazine has been saying for years. The Bible prophesied there would be a “king of the south” (Dan. 11:40). If you want to win the war against terrorism, you must conquer the king of terror—the nation that is “sowing death and destruction throughout the entire world”! That is why Iran, the leader of radical Islam, is the king of the south.

And remember, U.S. President George W. Bush continues to warn the terrorists and terrorist nations. It is in the context of this conflict that Iran got caught supporting the terrorists!

Why is Iran so contemptuous of American threats? Answering that question will get us to the heart of the problem.

If you want to destroy the terrorist crop, you must stop or destroy the nation doing the sowing! As one terror expert said, we can’t just swat the mosquitoes, we must drain the swamp.

It appears we now have plans to attack Sudan, Somalia and other “mosquitoes.” But do we have the will to take on Iran, Iraq and the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon (empowered by Syria)? This is the terrorist swamp!

Iraq has been the bitter enemy of Iran in the past. But now they are making overtures to Iran for an alliance. Iraq does have some fear that America could attack them. So they too look to what God calls the king of the south and what our more courageous leaders call “the center of world terror.”

But it is not enough to just call them the center of world terror. We must warn them to stop it or face destruction! However, America and Britain lack the will to challenge the king. That is why we cannot win our war against terrorism!

In his biography of Marlborough, Winston Churchill wrote, “‘Battles are the principal milestones in secular history. … All great struggles of history have been won by superior will power wresting victory in the teeth of odds.”

All great struggles of history have been won by superior will power, he said. Will we heed the warning of Winston Churchill, the greatest warrior in the 20th century? We must build a stronger will power. And there is a way to do so.

America has demonstrated some of its power in Afghanistan. So the world can very readily see its power. But there is something else the world sees about America that is dangerously disturbing.

America and Britain still lack the will power to win the war against terrorism.

Pakistan was Afghanistan’s best ally. But now they have helped America remove the Taliban. Strangely, they have been rejected as Afghanistan’s ally. And who is filling the void? Iran. We have spent billions of dollars and our young men have given their lives in the Afghanistan war. But Iran is reaping the benefits.

This is what happens when you don’t destroy the “center of world terrorism”—the king of terror.

We could win this war if we turned from our sins. This is the only way we can restore our will power. God said He would “break the pride of our power.” Because of our broken will, our strength is “spent in vain” (Lev. 26:19-20).

Write for our free booklet on Zephaniah. It will explain how an individual or a nation can escape terrorist attacks.