The Great Global Power Transfer

Ten years of news watching reveals a definite trend, and it’s not to the advantage of the American and British peoples.

“With the approach of a new year, the most conspicuous trend in global affairs is a proliferation of disasters, real and potential.” So Alan T. Sorensen, associate editor of Current History, summed up his views on what the world could expect in the year 2007.

Not too heartening, to say the least.

Yet we here at the Trumpet remain, even increase, in great optimism about the future! There is a reason why.

All of our news watching is focused on following a definite trend in world affairs. It is a trend closely watched by our editor in chief, Gerald Flurry, in the tradition of Herbert W. Armstrong. This easily observable trend in global affairs is leading to a very definite and most positive conclusion. It is a conclusion, indeed an end of history, to borrow a phrase from Francis Fukuyama, that will prove to be but a great beginning—the beginning of that which mankind has painfully sought for over 6,000 years of documented history: world peace, believe it or not!

A Definite Trend

Over the past 10 years, our news bureau has continually tracked one particular trend as it threads its way through the news we analyze daily. It is the trend toward the transfer of world power—financially, economically, industrially, commercially, technologically, and, increasingly, politically and militarily—from the dominant Anglo-Saxon peoples to the non-English speaking peoples. This trend has been particularly strong in this first decade of the 21st century.

There is an ancient prophecy that bespeaks this current trend. It was addressed to the nation of Israel and it predicted precisely the outcome of their history if they failed to heed and obey their Creator (Deuteronomy 28:15-68). Biblical Israel became the progenitor of the Anglo-Saxon peoples, those largely English-speaking nations of today. Herbert W. Armstrong summarized many proofs of this fact in his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. Since that book was published, the research of others has added a plethora of additional, and inarguable, facts, supported by archeological finds and scholarly research, which add further proof from secular sources verifying Mr. Armstrong’s conclusions, which were based on biblical revelation.

Prophesying of the end of the era of the global dominance of these Israelite nations in modern times, the Creator declares, “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee” (Deuteronomy 28:15). There follows a litany of ill effects that would come upon the largely Anglo-Saxon nations as a consequence of their breaking God’s law.

This prophecy matches with that of Jesus Christ, who declared that there would come “the times of the gentiles” (Luke 21:24). Gentiles is simply a term to describe non-Israelite peoples. Though those misinformed by the politically correct might disagree, the term Gentile does not imply that non-Israelite nations are inferior. It is just a simple adjective employed in the Bible to differentiate, not between the Jewish and other peoples, but rather between the Israelite (comprising 12 distinct nationalities) and all other nations.

The Gentile nations comprise, by far, the greater part of the Earth’s population. Yet, paradoxically, for multiple generations, though they existed in the vast majority, these peoples historically enjoyed only a small component of the great advantages which the minority Anglo-Saxon nations have experienced over the past few hundred years. Current events demonstrate that situation is, quite dramatically, changing. In fact, the equation is fast reversing as the power of the Anglo-Saxon nations quickly fades.

Nowhere is this reality currently more apparent than in the fields of finance and the economy, the waning ability of the Israelite peoples to secure their borders against incursion from foreign peoples, and the diminution of their military prowess.

Cursed Economy

Among those penalties that God declared the Anglo-Saxons would suffer in their year of decline, the following was prophesied fully 3½ thousand years ago: “The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail” (Deuteronomy 28:43-44). In the light of that ancient prediction, consider the following.

The English-speaking peoples established economies of great wealth during the 17th through the 19th centuries. Following World War i, that situation began to change in Britain, irreversibly. By the end of the 20th century, a similar change was becoming apparent within the U.S. Now these nations, which once largely financed much of world trade between them, are hugely in debt to the very two foreign nations that only 60 years ago they had defeated in the greatest contest for world power in the history of mankind!

“Two nations effectively control the world’s credit: Germany and Japan. Between the two of them, they provide more than half the world’s surplus savings. If they ever decided to stop lending to the United States, the world economy would change quickly” (Daily Reckoning, Sept. 13, 2005; emphasis mine throughout). It’s as though the Anglo-Saxon nations are blinded to their plight of being painted into a corner, financially and economically, through the mass sell-off of their industry to foreign holdings, the huge transfer of jobs and wealth that they have handed to foreign nations in the process, and their devolution from being self-supporting economies to being more and more dependent on foreign nations for supply of the very basics of life. If not blinded, then certainly deluded!

“We believe we can tell where we are in a financial … cycle by studying the delusions of the participants,” the Daily Reckoning continued. “In the month of July [2005], for example, the personal savings rate in America went to a negative 0.6 percent. Not in 70 years had the rate been so low. The last time it was so low was in the Great Depression, when Americans felt their backs to the wall; they had to dip into savings in order to keep going. Now, they no longer dip into savings. Instead, every emergency sends them running to foreigners, asking for credit.”

There could not be a clearer example of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Deuteronomy 28 than that fact alone.

This trend of transfering Anglo-Saxon wealth to foreign nations is further exacerbated by the current steady flight from dollar holdings to that currency which Germany ramrodded through the European Parliament just five years ago—the fledgling euro. The New York Times reports, “A steady slide in the value of the dollar since late 2005, primarily against the euro and the British pound, has steepened over the last month amid indications that interest rates will rise in Europe, while the Federal Reserve is expected to cut rates this year. At the same time, countries with large dollar holdings are showing a new willingness to dump the dollar in favor of the rising euro …. In 2006, the euro appreciated more than 11 percent against the dollar …. [T]he rising euro is not something the United States or foreign investors can afford to ignore. ‘You have to start to thinking that the euro can be of some risk to the dollar,’ said Shaun Osbourne, chief currency strategist at TD Securities in Toronto” (January 3).

Add to this the underpinning of the U.S. economy by China’s willingness, to this point, to buy America’s massive debt, and we have a simple recipe for economic disaster.

Arms Race

While the mass media remain fixated on Iraq and devote huge effort to pulverizing the current U.S. presidency, they largely miss the most important news events of the day. One such alarming current event is a definite new global arms race, stimulated by a growing realization by foreign nations of America’s combination of ineptitude in both diplomacy and military strategy, and the nation’s lack of political will to deal decisively with its enemies. All the trends we see from our news bureau sources point to this new arms race.

Any arms race has, historically, always been a harbinger of war.

The major nations of the world know that America is far overstretched militarily. They recognize that the U.S. is tiring of its war on terror. The U.S. is approaching an extremely vulnerable point in its history. Look at the facts.

America has a lame-duck presidency, experiencing a paucity of clear-minded presidential advisers; this at a time when its reputation as a peace-loving, magnanimous nation has descended to an almost universal perception of the nation as—next to the Jewish nation of Israel—the chief enemy of world peace. The U.S. population is being brainwashed by its mass media into a mindset of politically correct appeasement of its rank enemies. Its capability as the world’s policeman—a role that certain powers, such as the European Union, have gladly hidden behind while they chased their own agenda for global domination—is diminishing month by month.

Realizing this, those nations that since World War ii have enjoyed the security of U.S military presence are beginning to feel vulnerable. “With hindsight, we may see 2006 as the end of Pax Americana,” Newsweek reported. “Ever since World War ii, the United States has used its military and economic superiority to promote a stable world order that has, on the whole, kept the peace and spread prosperity. But the United States increasingly lacks both the power and the will to play this role” (Dec. 13, 2006).

The danger of this 21st-century arms race is that it is now crossing the nuclear threshold. There is an increasing trend toward the proliferation of nuclear power. We hear much about Iran’s attempts to become a nuclear power. We hear little of the impending risk posed by those same two nations that control the lion’s share of world credit, though they fall into the same category as maverick Iran. Japan is the most dramatic case in point. From what we detect, Germany may not be far behind.

When the only nation that has ever felt the cruel blow of nuclear destruction moves to acquire the very power it once feared to collectively endorse, it is time to sit up and take notice! As Stratfor wrote, “That Japan, the only nation to be on the receiving end of nuclear weapons, has allowed a public debate on developing nuclear weapons is perhaps the most striking example of the changing view of nuclear weapons acquisition. Tokyo wants its own nukes, even if it continues to profess a non-nuclear stance. And Japan has the capability and resources to produce nuclear weapons in short order, and the capability to deliver such weapons in a time of conflict” (Dec. 19, 2006).

Meanwhile, voices in Germany are quietly calling for that nation to have access to a nuclear defense capability. Germany has already demanded that its high command have access to France’s nuclear weapons. With nato still having upward of 100 nukes deployed on European soil, it may not be long, given the cozy relationship developing between Washington and Berlin, before a similar demand is made of nato’s nuclear-powered weaponry. This prospect is of real concern to those attuned to the cycle of history as Germany’s profile as a world power currently leaps into perspective. As Deutsche Welle put it, “Germany’s growing economic, political and military role is under the spotlight in 2007 with Berlin holding the rotating presidencies of both the European Union and the G8 club of industrial nations. Germany’s military transition is one of the biggest ongoing shifts in the country’s global positioning since unification” (January 2).

Keep Watching!

During the past 10 years as we have tracked this definite trend toward the progressive transfer of power from the Anglo-Saxons to the non-English-speaking peoples, we have had an eye to history with its linkage to inerrant biblical prophecy. Now, at the beginning of 2007, we see the inevitable cycle of history bringing back into focus, as global powers, two of the very nations that joined in a tyrannical axis to seek the enslavement of the Anglo-Saxon peoples 60 years ago: Germany and Japan.

The Trumpet magazine has, year by year, documented the steady return to global power potential of both these nations and the future alliances they are due to enter at the expense of the Anglo-Saxon nations. We will continue to do so, underscoring our message with the clearly documented proof of current events linked to the cycle of history and to prophecy. We will do this in the face of all who sneer and who remain blind to the clear facts. That is our task, and we accept it most readily. For we know, with absolute certainty, that even as the Anglo-Saxons descend in power, and other major nations rise to overpower them, that these events are so temporal. They are but a forerunner to the opening up of the most amazing and undreamed-of time of peace, security, of economic stability and of the fantastic unlocking of man’s potential to achieve true and lasting greatness. (Request your own copy, free of charge, of our book The Incredible Human Potential.)

Our hope will be that one day, many who continue to read the Trumpet will be thankful for what they read. Then many will realize that by its clear, unambiguous message, the Trumpet was of inestimable value in helping them to enter this future of tremendous hope that lies just ahead.