Elon Musk: Twitter Suppressed Republicans 10 Times More Than Democrats Before He Bought It


To mark the one-year anniversary of his purchase of Twitter, Elon Musk appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience. During his October 31 interview, Musk told Rogan that Twitter was acting as “an arm of the government” before he purchased it. He further noted that Twitter “suppressed” Republicans “10 times” more than it suppressed Democrats until he paid $44 billion for it.

Twitter Files: This type of censorship should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the first 20 releases of the Twitter Files.

Evidence that the United States government has weaponized its intelligence agencies against conservatives is overwhelming. Matt Taibbi even referred to a “master-canine” relationship between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Twitter. Musk is right about Twitter acting like “an arm of the government.” This should concern anyone who believes in free speech.

The U.S. government was telling Twitter what opinions it could voice. And it is likely still telling Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms what to do.

Data from the Campaign on Accountability shows that Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week during Obama’s presidency. Almost 250 people left the Obama administration to work for Google or vice versa during this time. The collusion between Big Government and Big Tech is deep.

Hidden attack: Even before Musk took over Twitter and started exposing the corruption in Big Tech, Project Veritas caught nine Twitter employees on hidden camera admitting that Twitter algorithms purposely hide tweets if they use words like “God” or “America.” The danger posed by this type of censorship goes far beyond an attempt to undermine a certain president or political party.

Bible prophecy has a lot to say about this attack. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in America Under Attack that an end-time political figure comes in the spirit of Antiochus iv Epiphanes to “cast down the truth to the ground” in the U.S. (Daniel 8:12). As the true leader of the intel agencies infecting Silicon Valley, Barack Obama fulfills this end-time prophetic role.

Learn more: Read “Barack Obama and the Twitter Files,” by Gerald Flurry.