Germany Under Attack From the Radical Left!


What would you feel like right now if you were a German? Germans are watching leftist extremism take over and dismantle their society. The migration crisis is back, and Muslim communities are changing what it means to be German from the inside out. At the same time, the cost of living is rising, and government policies are making bad situations even worse for many families. If you are a German, you are losing your savings and your culture, as war rages in eastern Europe. Germany is under attack, anger and desperation are smoldering, and the Bible reveals where it will lead.

Last week, it was officially announced that Germany is experiencing a recession. Inflation has caused people to struggle with every day bills. After years of enjoying cheap energy supplies from Russia, Russia is being isolated due to its aggression in Ukraine, and Germany has, grudgingly, had to find alternatives. Yet the German government proceeded in shutting down its last nuclear power plant and is declining to pursue fracking options that could give German industries much-needed energy supplies. Businesses and families are burdened with unnecessarily complicated and expensive energy policies. For example, the government plans to ban the installation of new heating systems that run on oil or gas by 2024. A survey by the opinion research institute Forsa found that only 21 percent of Germans support these plans.

On top of rising energy costs, the German government is increasing most taxpayers’ contributions to the health-care system, which is said to need major upgrades.

While cost of living expenses increase, the consumption of meat may decrease. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach told Der Spiegel magazine in 2022: “In the long term, we could reduce meat consumption by 80 percent—not just in Germany, but worldwide.”

Germany as we know it—famous for its economic strength and its sausages, among other traditions—is changing rapidly. It is also becoming more liberal in other areas. A new law is being designed to allow minors to easily “change” their sex in official documentation.

Meanwhile, Russia continues to wage war, and the German government appears unable or unwilling to respond meaningfully.

New fears are arising over a reviving migration crisis. These factors have caused Germany’s right-wing Alternative für Deutschland to rise to 17 percent popularity in the polls. According to ard-Deutschlandtrend, four out of five Germans are calling for asylum procedures to be carried out at the European Union’s external borders, but the current government is ignoring the crisis.

Germany is under attack. The unfolding trends will cause many Germans to accept completely new leadership.

The Trumpet often emphasizes that the book of Daniel is entirely for the end time (See Daniel 12.) However, there has been a forerunner fulfillment of some of these prophecies. Daniel 11:21, for example, was fulfilled in type by Antiochus iv Epiphanes around 170 b.c. (For more information, read, A Strong German Leader Is Imminent.)

These and other passages show an end-time Antiochus will rise from modern Germany and rule over a revived Holy Roman Empire. This empire succeeded the Roman Empire, which succeeded the Greek empire over which the ancient Antiochus ruled.

The Bible warns Germany will fall prey to a deceitful ruler who promises peace (Daniel 8:25). Nahum 1:11 calls him a “wicked counselor,” and Isaiah 10:12 calls him the “king of Assyria.” Both Nahum and Isaiah wrote prophetic messages directed at the nation of Assyria. Their end-time descendants are the modern Germans. (Read our article, “The Remarkable Identity of the German People.”)

The appetite for a strong leader is growing. German history shows how dangerous a divided politically unstable Germany is—but what the Bible reveals for its future is all the more frightening. The Bible today calls on the German people to heed this historic and prophetic warning. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains these prophecies in detail in our free booklets Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany.