U.S. Pushing New Iran Nuclear Deal


The Biden administration is talking with European and Israeli partners about putting together a new Iran nuclear deal. According to an Axios report published on April 3, Biden wants to give Iran sanctions relief if it agrees to freeze parts of its nuclear program.

Iran has already amassed 193 pounds of 60 percent enriched uranium and only needs to further enrich this uranium to 90 percent to make one nuclear bomb.

Empowering Iran: Joe Biden’s boss, Barack Obama, implemented a nuclear deal with Iran on Jan. 16, 2016, that granted sanctions relief in return for freezing its nuclear program. Iran’s mullahs used this deal to revitalize their failing economy before resuming their nuclear program. At best, this nuclear deal only delayed an Iranian nuclear bomb while allowing Iran’s Islamic theocracy to remain in power.

American treason: Many analysts feel it would have been better for Obama to keep sanctions on Iran while supporting protest movements against the mullahs. This may have enabled America to force regime change, thus removing the threat of a rogue nuclear state by installing an America-friendly regime. But Obama chose to support Iran’s current regime in return for empty promises.

In his book America Under Attack, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains that this was not an incompetent decision but rather a deliberate attempt to destroy the State of Israel by empowering the “world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.”