7 Dead After Jerusalem Shooting


A Palestinian gunman went on a shooting spree near a Jerusalem synagogue on January 27, killing seven and injuring three. According to Israeli Inspector General Yaakov Shabtai, the attack was an act of terrorism.

He got out of his car not far from here and began a killing spree with a pistol. Everyone who crossed his path—he shot at them from close range.
—Yaakov Shabtai

Celebration: The following day, a 13-year-old Palestinian shot and wounded another two people. Subsequently, Palestinian crowds gathered around the West Bank and Gaza, celebrating the attacks by launching fireworks, dancing and honking car horns.


According to Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem, the attacks proved “the resistance knows how to find the appropriate response” to Israeli “crimes.” These attacks followed on the heels of an Israeli air raid that targeted and killed seven militant Palestinians. But the purportedly “appropriate response” was an attack on ordinary Jewish civilians.

Iranian takeover: These statements of incitement show just how much Hamas has taken over Palestinian leadership. The Iranian proxy group is firmly embedded in the Palestinian terrorism effort. Hamas’s increasing domination of Palestine could lead to the fulfillment of dramatic Bible prophecies. To learn more, read our article “Iran Is Taking Over the Palestinian Street.”