Germany Shifts Focus From Mali to Niger


The German government plans to withdraw its 1,121 troops from Mali, according to information obtained by Der Spiegel. The United Nations mission minusma has been Germany’s largest overseas deployment. Due to a disagreement between Germany’s foreign and defense ministries, the withdrawal will be delayed until the summer of 2023 and completed in 2024.

Unwanted: The Defense Ministry blamed the Malian military government for preventing the Bundeswehr from fulfilling its mission. Recent military coups and the government’s cooperation with Russian mercenaries have added to the trouble.

  • The current timetable also leaves room for reconsideration if the local situation or Germany’s leadership changes.

Shifting focus to Niger: Germany continues to pursue its goal of training and cooperating with the security forces in the region to combat terrorism in the Sahel. France already moved a large part of its troops to Niger, which has proved to be friendlier to the West and less welcoming to Russia. Germany is now also increasing its focus on Niger.

  • France, the former colonial power, is accused of artificially stirring up unrest in the region to enrich itself and is, in fact, still mining a large part of Niger’s uranium while locals profit little. Due to France’s negative reputation, Germany may be more welcome in the region.

Fighting the head of terrorism: Based on Psalm 83 and Daniel 11:40, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has noted that Europe’s war on terrorism will lead to an all-out confrontation with the chief sponsor of terrorism: Iran. Germany’s missions in the region are preparing for this clash. They also contribute to the realization that you must deal with the source of the problem or you will spend your power in vain.

Read: Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran