Ukrainian Ambassador Warns of Germany’s Betrayal

Germany’s government would like for Ukraine to surrender.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andrij Melnyk has been warning the German people how cold-blooded their government is. While Germany claims to be an ally of Ukraine, Melnyk says the reality is much different. Berlin’s elite would prefer he remain silent; the threat of losing his country, however, is motivating him to speak out.

January 17 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Germany. Ukrinform interviewed Melnyk on January 16. While he had many positive things to say about the German people, he also sounded this chilling warning:

[W]e are forced to conduct new “wartime diplomacy,” especially in Germany, which plays a key role in stopping Russian aggression. After all, it is critical for us to draw the German public to our side, to make it our main ally, to increase public pressure on the German government on issues where officials in Berlin, unfortunately, still stick to a restrained position: It’s about their recognition of Ukraine’s EU accession prospects, promotion of our nato membership, supplies of defensive weapons, more aggressive mediation efforts by Germany in N4, and putting to a halt the Nord Stream 2 pipe[line], and Berlin’s historical responsibility to the Ukrainian people for the crimes of Nazism, the recognition of the Holodomor, and about many other hot topics. Of course, all this media activity in Berlin often irritates the ruling elites because we often step on their painful blisters.

Ahead of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Russia in February, Melnyk warned in an interview with Bild against any “secret agreements with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin behind Ukraine’s back.” He feared that Germany may say one thing in public but make a secret deal behind Ukraine’s back.

Notice the following exchange from an interview with Welt on March 8:

Welt: So what should we do?

Melnyk: Let nato declare a no-fly zone. Let’s see if Putin dares let his planes take off. Or, everyone sees this 65-kilometer-long Russian military column heading toward Kyiv. Why doesn’t Europe send an even longer column of aid and create stronger images? It says, “We stand by your side.” In reality, you watch until we surrender. Maybe that’s what they want in political Berlin. But that will never happen.

Welt: Given their military inferiority, wouldn’t an honorable surrender be the most sensible thing the Ukrainian government can do to protect its citizens?

Melnyk: This idea has been suggested to us since the first day of the war—but that’s the most cynical thing I have ever heard. Now our homes, kindergartens and whole towns are being reduced to rubble. If we surrender, the same will happen to our souls. The Ukrainian nation will be destroyed. There will be no more Ukraine.

While Ukraine fights for survival, German leaders suggest it surrender.

Melnyk wants everyone to hear about Germany’s true stance in this crisis. He also criticized Germany blocking crucial sanctions. When Chancellor Scholz ruled out an oil and gas embargo against Russia, Melnyk said: “This is a knife in the back of Ukraine. We believe that this position is morally untenable and will fall, if not in the next few days, then in the next few weeks. The question is, how many Ukrainian civilians will die in the hail of missiles.”

When asked if it is “always the German government that hesitates the most in nato and the EU” when it comes to helping Ukraine, he said: “Unfortunately, this impression is correct. That was the case with the swift exclusion, now with the import ban. For us it is very bitter. And I think it must be embarrassing for the millions of people in Germany that you are always seen as bringing up the rear and not as a leader.”

When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke with Chancellor Scholz, “[i]t was like talking to a wall,” Melnyk claimed.

And when Germany, on February 27, made the historic pledge to spend significantly more on its military and promised to help Ukraine more, Melnyk said: “I was at that session of the Bundestag. There was a strange feeling, as if the deputies were freeing themselves from a burden. They were rather celebrating themselves with standing ovations. Ten days have passed since then. But we, as Ukrainians, hardly feel a thing. No help that would do justice to the level of brutality and despair in my homeland.” This perspective is quite different from the Western perspective about Germany remilitarizing. Germany has freed some restraints, but it didn’t do so to help Ukraine.

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry warned in “Germany Responds to Russia With an Explosive Announcement!

Andreas Kluth, former editor in chief of Handelsblatt, wrote: “If you had any sense of history and found yourself near the German Bundestag in Berlin on Sunday, you could have heard the sound of an explosion.”

The whole Earth should be trembling at that explosion! Anyone who knows history should be deeply alarmed. But if you also know Bible prophecy—as every Trumpet reader should—you know this announcement is truly a calamitous explosion!

Everyone knows Germany’s history, but few know what the Bible warns about Germany.

“For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry” (Nahum 1:10). The book of Nahum is for our day, and it is primarily addressed to modern-day Germany.

In Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany, Mr. Flurry explains: “When Germany is militarily strong, dealing with that nation is like dealing with a cluster of thorns. … Their foreign policy is sharp and piercing. They are very difficult to reason with. Often they rip and tear by cunning, crafty and devious affairs with other nations.” Ambassador Melnyk can certainly attest to that reality.

Based on similar prophecies, the late Herbert W. Armstrong warned in 1956: “The Germans are coming back from the destruction of World War ii in breathtaking manner. Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe.”

Revelation 17 speaks of a unification of 10 kings under one supreme leader, who emerges from Germany. We are now seeing Europe unite and the world is celebrating its rise. But history, the Bible and current events warn that danger is looming.

Many detailed prophecies about Germany explain what is happening now. They also show what is about to come and how it will lead to the return of Jesus Christ. Request a free copy of Nahum—An End-Time Prophecy for Germany to learn more about these prophecies.

Melnyk is furious about Germany’s betrayal of Ukraine, but we are just seeing the beginning of the rise of a nation with “a cluster of thorns” diplomacy.