Germany Is Conquering the Balkans!


I was just handed an update from Ron Fraser, the head of our News Bureau. It is so important I would like to share it with you, our Trumpet readers. It ties in powerfully with my article on “The Boiling Pot in Europe” in this issue of our magazine.

No one who has had any association with the German people would doubt their thoroughness in tackling any particular situation. Yet, it seems, none of the analysts have detected the evidence of that fabled German thoroughness in the following scenario: Germany, aided and abetted by the Vatican, initiated the destabilization of the Balkan peninsula by the unilateral recognition of Croatia and Slovenia as sovereign nations in 1991, against the will of most of the world.

It was a blatant act of war! Yet, instead of America and Britain fighting against this outrage, they joined the Germans!

Given the disruptive state of Yugoslavia at the time, given the history of instability in the region, the Germans had to know that their actions would lead to a total destabilizing of the Balkans. It did. Germany then sat back, willingly, accepting international criticism for lack of European Union (EU) involvement in the resulting battles involving Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. Germany allowed the U.S. to take the flak of most of the world, ending temporarily in a sham peace brokered by Richard Holbrooke.

The Germans had to know that this “peace process” had as much chance of sticking as the Middle East and Irish “peace processes” have. But they were not yet ready to show their hand. Much more was at stake than Bosnia-Herzegovina.

They already had Catholic Slovenia and Croatia in their camp. They had already infiltrated Albania, via the outright purchase of that country’s singular asset of any international importance, its chromite mines. Not only that, they were cultivating their relationship with a guerrilla group of Albanian terrorists (now known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (kla), which had their leadership resident in Germany and who were preparing for a takeover of historic, coal-rich Kosovo.In addition they had kindly offered to train the Albanian police (and were already actively doing so), who sadly needed to raise their expertise to control the unruly Albanian population, destabilized and disgruntled at the collapse of the Albanian economy. Through the well-established illegal drug smuggling corridor between Turkey, the Balkans and Germany, the Germans were easily able to set up a gun-running network using kla henchmen involved in the drug business. So, the kla had the military armament to put up a pretty good fight when Milosevic got wind of what was happening and moved to push the Albanians out of Kosovo. The Kosovo situation allowed the Germans, already on the ground in Bosnia, Slovenia and Croatia, to legitimize a troop presence in Albania and commit to air combat with the Luftwaffe over Serbia and Montenegro.

The end game was in sight. The only way this latest Balkan explosion was going to end was with troops on the ground. Germany “wanted in” on the ground force and, next to Britain, committed the largest contingent of ground troops to the “peacekeeping” force in Kosovo.

The German leader, Gerhard Schröder, quickly seized the initiative by proposing a Marshall Plan for the whole Balkan peninsula, not just Kosovo! The pope went public and backed him. In the meantime, Germany, conveniently holding the dual presidencies of the EU and Group of Eight, took the initiative in brokering their first “peace process.”

The U.S. fought to keep Russia out of the deal. Russia wanted in. Germany wanted Russia in. Russia got in because the Germans still fear the Russians, but not America and Britain.

In the meantime, Germany maneuvered and lobbied to appoint, to everyone’s satisfaction, a German to head the reconstruction process in the Balkans. Yet, there was one senior position which the Germans coveted. Despite the efforts of Kofi Annan, this “peace process” in

Kosovo and beyond was not going to be a UN deal. It was to be headed by nato. The U.S. and Britain wanted it that way, which suited Mr. Schröder right down to the ground! This was crucial to the ultimate success of the German plan to take over the Balkans. The Germans have no seat on the Security Council of the UN.

Have we forgotten why?

If the Kosovo operation was conducted by the UN it would place the U.S. in charge. So it had to be nato. Why? Because the Germans knew that nato chief Javier Solana had been elected to the new position of supreme spokesman for the EU. This left the top job in nato vacant, and the Germans knew who they wanted in that job: Rudolf Scharping (not yet confirmed). His appointment will effectively place nato in Germany’s hands—a brilliant maneuver! So, the old German thoroughness wins out again.

What is startling is that this time the Germans have not tried to hide behind anyone. They’ve been aggressive, out in the open, from the time of their deliberate tactic of destabilizing the Balkans to their brilliant takeover of the end game. They will never leave the Balkan peninsula now, till their prophesied crushing defeat by the Russian bear. Germany now has its Balkan corridor to the Adriatic, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, for all intents and purposes, signed, sealed and delivered. A masterful stroke of German diplomatic thoroughness.

The most mind-boggling aspect of all this is that no one in the press seems to be aware of it!

I’d like to add one more German maneuver to Mr. Fraser’s analysis.

According to the New York Times, the Yugoslavian state of Montenegro is now talking publicly about a new currency tied to the German mark. They are not apt to discuss such a subject without Germany’s approval and encouragement.

Is Germany about to initiate another bloody civil war in Yugoslavia? Is Montenegro’s state leader about to lead another breakaway from the Serbs of Yugoslavia? It is possible, but unlikely, that Germany’s goal could be achieved without a civil war. There is deep division among the Serbs.

Do the Germans plan to use nato to once again expand their control of the Balkans?

If there is a civil war and the Serbs lose, that gives Germany major control of the entire Adriatic coastline of former Yugoslavia (see map). They could easily control the flow of traffic in the Adriatic Sea.

Once again the Germans are structuring an empire. They have now moved their capital from Bonn back to Berlin and the Reichstag. “Reichstag” means empire. It is the building from where Hitler launched a war that cost about 50 million lives.

That is how badly the Germans wanted an empire in World War II. Their whole history reveals a similar pattern. They will continue to think and act that way unless somebody stops them!

This time the Germans are even more dangerous than they were under Hitler!

And yet, it is all done in the guise of righteousness. In biblical terminology they are called the “lovers” of Britain and America.

You need to understand why this is happening. Write for our free booklet The United States and Britain in Prophecy.

Don’t expect our government and people to wake up until it’s too late!