Germany Signs Up to Military Pact, Sets Sights on Jerusalem


Twenty-five European Union nations officially launched an EU military pact on Monday. They announced the pact back in November, but now we get to see exactly what these countries are working on.

There’s nothing that’s dramatically headline-grabbing. This agreement is called Permanent Structured Cooperation,or pesco, not an “EU army.” Many of these agreements are on seemingly boring subjects like logistics, transportation and training missions.

Because of this, not many have reported on it. But this is hugely significant. These are the boring details that need to be worked out for EU nations to fight together, to form an EU military. In the words of one former Marine Corps general, Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.

Europe is starting to get to the nuts and bolts—the details that will enable it to fight together effectively—on things like how to deploy quickly, how to evacuate and treat wounded members of joint forces, how the different command structures can work together.

At the Trumpet, we’ve long talked about an EU military union. Just to give a couple of examples, in 1953 Herbert W. Armstrong wrote that “10 powerful European nations will combine their forces” (Good News, May 1953).

In 1978, he wrote: “Europeans want their own united military power! They know that a political union of Europe would produce a third major world power, as strong as either the U.S. or the ussr—possibly stronger!” (Good News, August 1978).

He made these forecasts based on Bible prophecy.

For example, Revelation 17 talks about a union of 10 kings, or nations, who “shall give their power and strength” to this united power.

This is one of the most important trends we’re watching at Because of its importance, we have a whole trends section on Europe. You can access it by clicking on “Trends” at the top right of the home page. There you can read our article “Why the Trumpet Watches Europe’s Push Toward a Unified Military,” to learn more about this vital trend.

Also this week in Germany, we saw the nation’s response to Donald Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem.

Europe has long wanted to get more involved in the peace process. Mr. Trump’s unpopular declaration that Jerusalem is the capital is the perfect opportunity for it to do that.

Just this week, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that they don’t want the U.S. to have any role in the peace process because of this declaration. Fifty-seven member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation said almost the same thing—the decision shows the “U.S. administration’s withdrawal from its role as sponsor of peace.”

Europe and Germany are eager to step in. Der Spiegel ran an editorial last Friday titled “Time for Europe to Take the Lead on Peace.” It made the same kind of comments as the Arab states, and concluded that “it is now up to us—the Europeans, the Germans—to come up with new ideas and new formats” for the peace process. In Germany, Süddeutsche Zeitung made similar calls. Federica Mogherini, who is basically the EU’s foreign minister, has said that she wants the EU to be more involved.

So we could be seeing Germany getting ready to become more involved in the peace process in Jerusalem.

This is another important trend to watch. For many years now, the Trumpet has forecast that Germany would be invited to lead Israel-Palestinian peace negotiations. This prophecy about Germany leading the peace negotiations is in Hosea 5.

For more on this, you can read Brad Macdonald’s latest Trumpet BriefJerusalem, Trump and Israel’s Pyrrhic Victory.”