Iran Threatens Missiles on Israel If America Attacks

Sanctions, war games and defiant rhetoric ratchet up tensions between the United States and Iran over the weekend.

JERUSALEM—Tensions between the United States and Iran escalated over the weekend as Tehran defied President Donald Trump’s “notice” and accompanying limited sanctions by announcing further military exercises accompanied by its own bold warnings against the United States and Israel.

The weekend’s Iranian exercises were to test radar systems as well as its missile capability and were designed to “showcase the power of Iran’s revolution and to dismiss the sanctions,” the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (irgc) website stated.

Accompanying the tests, Iranian leaders warned the United States of serious consequences if it were attacked.

“The U.S. Army’s Fifth Fleet has occupied a part of Bahrain, and the enemy’s farthest military base is in the Indian Ocean, but these points are all within the range of Iran’s missile systems and they will be razed to the ground if the enemy makes a mistake,” Mojtaba Zonour, a former adviser to the Iranian supreme leader’s representative at the irgc said on Saturday evening, reported the Iranian Fars News Agency.

Fars continued:

Stressing that Tehran has prepared its forces for asymmetric war and attained great achievements in the missile field, he said if the enemy fires a missile against Iran, the country will immediately retaliate it with firing a missile at Tel Aviv.”And only 7 minutes is needed for the Iranian missile to hit Tel Aviv,” Zonour said.

The threats and announcement of further drills came after the United States imposed fresh sanctions on 25 individuals and companies connected to Iran’s ballistic missile program and those supporting the irgc. These sanctions were in response to Iran’s testing of ballistic missiles last week. According to the nuclear deal and United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, Iran is forbidden from ballistic missile tests for eight years.

In an interview with Bill O’Reilly from Fox News on Sunday, President Trump lambasted Iran and the Obama administration for the deal that has only further emboldened Iran. He also warned that further actions are not off the table.

At the time the nuclear deal was implemented, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry called it “the worst foreign policy blunder in American history.”

The day after the deal was implemented, President Barack Obama stated, “This is a good day because, once again, we’re seeing what’s possible with strong American diplomacy. … From Presidents Franklin Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, the United States has never been afraid to pursue diplomacy with our adversaries. And as president, I decided that a strong, confident America could advance our national security by engaging directly with the Iranian government.”

Mr. Flurry responded, saying, “This nuclear deal did the opposite of advancing America’s national security! It didn’t make the world more secure, but far more dangerous!”

For greater context as well as where the current tensions are leading, please watch all of Mr. Flurry’s program “America’s Nuclear Agreement With Iran.”