China Deploys Surveillance Ships to Waters off Hawaii


China has started deploying maritime surveillance vessels to the waters off the coast of Hawaii, according to reports by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The Tokyo-based publication says the provocative Chinese move is a countermeasure against United States activities in the South China Sea.

Over the last 18 months, China has assumed a more aggressive posture in its claims of more than 90 percent of the vast South China Sea. During this time, Chinese forces have built approximately 2,000 acres of artificial landmass on disputed reefs in the area. Forces from China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy are in the process of building military facilities on the islands, and last week issued threats to U.S. spy planes surveying the construction.

China’s deployment of surveillance vessels near Hawaii comes on the heels of an announcement by pla Senior Col. Wang Jin saying the strategy of coastal defense can no longer adequately serve China’s national interests. Wang made the remarks during a May 26 press conference about the release of China’s ninth defense white paper. The implication of the white paper is that a blue-water navy is needed for Beijing to pursue its overseas interests.

The defense white paper also said China must ready itself for a conflict with United States forces in the South China Sea.