Witchcraft, Ritual Child Abuse and Political Correctness


Disturbing cases of witchcraft-related child abuse in the United Kingdom are rising, and experts fear that far more go unreported.

Tim Loughton, parliamentary under-secretary of state for children and families, said there is a “wall of silence” around the scale and extent of these child abuse crimes.

In the past 10 years, there have been 83 reported cases of child abuse related to faith or suspicion of witchcraft involvement or demon possession. Four of these cases ended in the deaths of the children.

One such high-profile case involved Victoria Climbié. She was murdered in 2000 following months of brutal torture after the 8-year-old was suspected by her guardians of being demon-possessed. Another victim was Kristy Bamu—a 15-year old boy from France who was tortured for three days and eventually killed by his sister and her boyfriend during a visit in December 2010. He was suspected of witchcraft and casting spells. As recently as Monday, a Nigerian couple in Britain was jailed for seven years for abusing their six children for 10 years.

According to the Guardian, the figures collated by the Metropolitan police merely scratch the surface. Detectives believe ritual child abuse is very underreported.

Tim Loughton indentified political correctness as part of the reason why authorities are not dealing with this problem as much as they should: “There has been only very gradual progress in understanding the issues over the last few years—either because community leaders have been reluctant to challenge beliefs which risk leading to real abuse in their midst; or because authorities misunderstand the causes or are cowed by political correctness.”

In multicultural Britain, many authorities are afraid to confront crime issues when they concern many minority or so-called persecuted class groups. Fear of being labeled a racist or bigot is emasculating the rule of law within the nation. Thus all kinds of activities that would have once been labeled perversions are going mainstream.

In this case, it is the children who are bearing the brunt of Britain’s politically correct and handicapped police force. But political correctness run amok has far larger implications. Read “How Political Correctness Protects the Bad Guys,” by Mark Jenkins.