America’s Most Important Ally—Germany!

The U.S. ambassador to Germany makes a historic and startling announcement.

Whatever happened to the “special relationship” that has existed between the United States and Great Britain over the past century?

Only four years ago the Wall Street Journal published a Harris Poll showing that during the midst of the Bush administration, Great Britain was regarded by America as being its closest ally, its greatest friend.

“Great Britain’s standing as an ally of the U.S. is near the highest level it’s been over the past decade, according to a Harris Interactive poll. Harris has asked Americans which countries are the greatest friends of the U.S. each year since 1993. Great Britain has polled higher than this year only once, in 2001” (Wall Street Journal, Sept. 21, 2005).

Just nine months ago, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared:

[T]here is no international partnership in recent history that has served the world better than the special relationship between Britain and the United States.It is a relationship that has endured and flourished because it is based not simply on our shared history but on the enduring values that bind us together …. Winston Churchill described the joint inheritance of Britain and America as not just a shared history but a shared belief in the great principles of freedom and the rights of man.

One of Barack Obama’s first symbolic actions when taking office as president of the United States was to remove the bust of Sir Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and send it packing back to Britain. Those who doubted the symbolism of this gesture should now think again.

If that bronze bust has found its way back into No. 10 Downing Street, perhaps Mr. Brown is contemplating the symbolic gesture of President Obama and wondering, “What really happened between the time when the ‘special relationship’ was all that stood between the ongoing freedom of the world and global tyranny just seven decades ago, and today?”

On December 1, the day that the Lisbon Treaty/European Constitution came into force—the same day that Germany’s highest court reinforced the law that underpins Rome’s Sunday as the national day of worship on which all domestic trade must cease—the U.S. ambassador to Germany publicly declared that Germany is “Washington’s most important ally”!

The Local reports (emphasis mine):

Philip Murphy, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, has called on Berlin to work closely with Washington … to tackle challenges ranging from Afghanistan to global warming.Calling Germany’s partnership with the United States the most important relationship of the past 60 years, Murphy said the transatlantic alliance still formed the foundation of U.S. diplomacy around the world.”We need strong partners—and nowhere are there better or more committed partners than in Europe. And Germany is the centerpiece of the European Union,” Murphy said in a speech on Monday evening at Berlin’s American Academy.

To any truly objective observer of history, if that statement of the ambassador really reflects the thinking in the White House, then it is a staggering admission as to the future direction of U.S. foreign policy! No greater endorsement could be given to the German elites who have striven over the past 60 years to resurrect the old Teutonic dream of European—and ultimately global—hegemony. No greater put-down of the historic “special relationship” between the U.S. and Great Britain—America’s greatest ally in two world wars, throughout 40 years of Cold War and latterly through two hot wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—could be conceived.

“Saying Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a ‘common agenda,’ the ambassador emphasized America needed help from its ‘extraordinarily strong ally Germany’ to ensure global prosperity, combat climate change, and bring peace to strife-torn Afghanistan” (ibid.).

The extent of the “common agenda” between Washington and Berlin may well become apparent when the EU meets this week to endorse the division of the city of Jerusalem, throwing the entire weight of that 27-nation imperial institution behind the push to gift East Jerusalem to the non-state entity, the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

If the “special relationship” between America’s staunchest and closest ally of the past century is to be trashed by this current U.S. administration, then where will the other “special relationship” stand—that historical protective relationship that America has underwritten with the tiny nation of Israel over the past 60 years?

Anyone who truly understands international relations and who is entrusted with developing America’s foreign policy—mindful of the transition that Germany has undergone over the past 60 years, resurrecting from the ashes of World War ii to now stand as “the centerpiece” of Europe—should at least be asking one very crucial question: Has the national character of Germany really changed?

Hans Morgenthau, that venerable sage of international relations, declared that national character has “a permanent and often decisive influence upon the weight a nation is able to put into the scales of international politics” (Politics Among Nations). Germany is no exception to that rule.

To take the measure used by Ambassador Murphy of a 60-year period for Germany’s transition from devout enemy of the Anglo-Saxons to the status of perceived “extraordinarily strong ally,” consider the record of history since Bismarck first united Germany as a nation in 1871.

The very first foreign-policy decision made by the newly united Germany under the iron chancellor, Bismarck, was to provoke war with France. In less than 50 years of initiating that action, Germany instigated the greatest war in the world’s history to that point in time, a global war, World War i. Sixty years on from Bismark’s unification of Germany, the Nazi movement was born, a movement that would hypnotize almost an entire German nation into supporting a demagogue in his quest for world dominion. The result was World War ii.

Within 60 years of World War ii, immediately upon the reunification of Germany, in 1991, Germany provoked Yugoslavia into an illegal war and employed the Anglo-Saxons to fight for it. The occasion was used to relaunch the Luftwaffe into combat roles.

Has the national character of Germany really changed in the 65 years since its defeat in World War ii?

There are some very astute Germans such as the fellowship of sharp German minds that man the bastion at who think not. The keenest of German thinkers who hailed from a more sensible epoch than our present revisionist era thought not. One of the very best was Sebastian Haffner, journalist, distinguished historian and commentator on the German psyche.

Haffner stated of his own people: “[I]n Germany, nationalism kills the basic values of the national character. That explains why the Germans—doubtless a fine, sensitive and human people in healthy circumstances—become positively inhuman when they succumb to the nationalist illness; they take on a brutal nastiness of which other people are incapable. Only the Germans lose everything through nationalism; the heart of their humanity, their existence, their selves. … [W]hat [the nation] achieves is a German Empire …” (Defying Hitler—A Memoir).

This very tenuousness of the German character when juxtaposed with the rising undercurrent of German nationalism during times of economic crisis (such as that which Europe is presently undergoing along with the rest of the world) gives rise to extreme concern when one considers a recent report on the extent of nuclear weaponry available for delivery by the German Luftwaffe.

“Germany’s air force couldn’t possibly be training to deliver bombs 13 times more powerful than the one that destroyed Hiroshima, could it?” reported Time. “Nuclear bombs are stored on air-force bases in Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands—and planes from each of those countries are capable of delivering them. The Federation of American Scientists believes that there are some 200 B61 thermonuclear gravity bombs scattered across these four countries. Under a nato agreement struck during the Cold War, the bombs, which are technically owned by the U.S., can be transferred to the control of a host nation’s air force in times of conflict. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war” (December 2).

To anyone who is truly aware of just how close Hitler got to achieving his aim of blowing Britain’s major cities into nuclear irradiated dust, the above revelation is chilling! Had it not been for a handful of men and women stealing the secrets of scientists in the Nazis’ employ (and in a number of instances stealing away the scientists themselves), Hitler would have had his way and, by 1945, changed the whole power structure of the globe by having Nazi Germany become the first nuclear-armed global aggressor.

Over recent years, a number of commentators have made comparisons between world conditions in the 1930s and those of today, most particularly in Europe, and especially in Germany.

Rising German nationalism, the push by powerful European elites to regulate the global financial and economic system, the drive by Germany to take the lead in building a European military force as designated in the newly enacted Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution, direct access to nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, an increasing decline in Anglo-Saxon political will and economic capability, and an emerging, assertive, charismatic political star—Germany’s Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg—all this does not bode well for the world, based on the history of a united Germany.

Bible prophecy foretells where all this is predictably heading. The problem is that the proponents of foreign policy in Washington are blind to both history and prophecy. They grope in the dark as blind men, leading their nation by the nose to succumb to the clever diplomacy of a united European power, which is destined to soon unleash destructive force of a size and extent unimaginable to the human mind.

To truly perceive the dangers of America’s present transatlantic foreign policy, read our booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. And while you are about it, read also our startling booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy. Together they will reveal to you just where America’s current foreign policy is headed.

If ever there was a time to be aware of the danger of America’s dramatic change of course in its forging of “friendly” alliances, it is today! You owe it to yourself to at least be aware of the history of past relationships between the U.S., Britain, Israel and Germany—and their outcome! Those booklets will give you a perspective like none other from which to view the rapid evolution of America’s changing alliances and where they are truly heading!