

Ad campaign, 257‑259

Advisory Council of Elders, 37‑39

minutes that pertain to case, 271‑273

Albrecht, Greg, 70

references to deposition, 270, 309

Allen, J.H., 58‑60

Ambassador Auditorium

artists who performed in auditorium, 29

closure of auditorium, 30

sale of auditorium, 4‑5, 30

Ambassador College, 73, 182‑185, 379‑383

Armstrong’s decision not to accredit, 69, 228

Big Sandy, 4, 26, 68‑70, 184, 210‑211, 382‑383

Armstrong’s decision to close, 79, 112

Tkach’s decision to keep open, 80‑82

Pasadena, 4, 26, 69‑70, 113, 210, 379, 382

Tkach’s decision to accredit, 70, 113

Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, 3

Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, 27

Ambassador University, 382

Amos, John, 71, 208‑209, 219

Are We in the Last Days?, 87

Armstrong, Garner Ted, 30‑31, 36‑38, 66, 68‑69, 72‑73, 169

Armstrong, Herbert W.

approach to Bible study, 25, 54‑57

choosing a successor, 38‑40

congestive heart failure, 188‑189

death of, 41‑43, 157

last will and testament, 192‑193

man of vision, 379‑381

references from wcg members, 33‑35

references from world leaders, 24‑25

retirement policy, 189‑191

warning to wcg, 194‑195

world leaders visited, 28

writing Mystery of the Ages, 191

The Bible Story, 75

Blackwell, Dean, 50, 51, 71, 118, 187‑188, 215, 224, 227‑229

Bravin, Jess, 302‑306

Christianity Today, 359

Crissey, John, 350‑352, 355

Dean, Aaron, 38

assisted writing of MOA, 74

quotes from interview, 39‑43, 46, 47, 55, 63‑64

Doctrinal changes by wcg, 10‑11, 158‑159

assigning scriptures to names, 118, 137‑139

Christ’s sacrifice, 97‑101, 107‑108

Church commission, 82‑85, 111‑112, 149

end-time Elijah, 101‑103, 137‑143

healing, see Christ’s sacrifice above

identity of modern Assyria, 77‑78, 104

identity of modern Babylon, 74‑77, 104

identity of modern Ephraim and Manasseh, 94‑95

“lost century”, 88

nature of God, see trinity below

one true Church, 150

theistic evolution, 110

trinity, 89‑90, 143‑149

Ending Your Financial Worries, 87

e-publishing, 310‑311, 314‑315, 321‑322

Fair Use, 264, 269‑270

Feazell, J. Michael, 47, 70, 71

ghost writing, 60‑61, 65

preface to e-publishing works, 317‑323

references to deposition, 7‑9, 19, 329‑331, 353

Tkach’s personal assistant, 64‑65

Flurry, Gerald

decision to print additional literature, 277‑278

fired from wcg, 221, 277‑280

getting “second wind,” 373

last Feast sermon in wcg, 207‑208

letter to Oklahoma and Enid brethren after being fired, 220‑222

reaction to Mystery of the Ages being discontinued, 202‑203

sermons referred to, 242‑243, 275, 295‑296, 298‑299, 315‑317, 345‑347, 365, 371‑372, 383‑385, 390‑392

vision for 38 acres purchased, 376‑377, 385‑386

writing Malachi’s Message, 203‑205

Flurry, Stephen

initial reading of Malachi’s Message, 204‑205

job as tape librarian, 206

references to deposition, 343‑344

transfer to Big Sandy, 201

The Good News, 3, 21, 26, 146, 182, 191

discontinued, 4, 179‑180

reduction in number of issues, 172

government, 7, 11‑13

Gulfstream iii, 174‑177

Hanegraaff, Hank, 152‑153

Harvard Law Review, 246‑247

Helge, Ralph, 246

interview with The Journal, 348‑349

letter he wrote Bob Ardis, 342‑345

references to 1998 depositions, 253‑254

references to 2002 depositions, 334‑336

retirement, 336‑338

Helm, Mark, 248‑249, 251‑252

“Gettysburg Address” before Ninth Circuit, 283‑285

Herbert W. Armstrong College, 385‑390

first graduates, 394

renaming the college, 390

Herrington, Bob, 63

Hislop, Alexander, 127

Hulme, David

discussions with Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 145‑147

resignation letter to Tkach, 90‑91, 134‑136, 320

Imperial College, See Herbert W. Armstrong College

The Incredible Human Potential, 88‑89, 104, 116‑117, 130, 189, 277, 401

Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright, see Allen, J.H.

Kelly, Ronald, 71, 332‑334

comments on sale of property, 13

references to deposition, 331‑333

Klaus, Kelly, 251‑252

Laodicean era, 200‑202, 204‑206

The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God, 5‑6, 61‑62

book sales, 19‑20

criticism of Armstrong’s administration, 5‑6

distribution figures, 19‑20

references to Feazell being emotionally and spiritually raped, 6, 61‑62

seven dynamics, 11‑12

Malachi’s Message, 203‑204, 219‑222, 402

referred to by wcg, 161‑162, 221‑224, 229‑230

Meredith, Roderick, 34, 39, 70

quotes from interview, 49‑52, 55, 61‑62

The Missing Dimension in Sex, 143, 264, 277, 302, 402

Morgan, Matthew, 310

letter rejecting a license, 314‑315, 317

letter to Flurry, 310‑311

Mystery of the Ages

annotated project, 270, 274‑275, 278‑279, 282

Armstrong’s comments on book, 4, 20, 154, 162‑163, 235, 239

destruction of excess copies, 107‑108

discontinued, 4‑5, 115‑116

foreign translations, 123‑124

initial printing and promotion by wcg, 21, 238‑239

initial printing by pcg, 240‑242, 381‑382

put on hold, 106

reasons for wcg removal,

required reading, 235‑238

same message in other books, 116‑117

serialization edits, 84‑86

softback revisions, 79

sophomore address, 164‑166

Tkach’s comments on book, 239‑240

Nimrod, 75‑77

Pasadena Star-News, 22, 360

pension plan, 186‑188

Philadelphia Church of God

attempts to buy Big Sandy, 316‑317, 383‑385

battle cry of, 242‑244

beginning of Church, 211, 218‑222

first service, 219

growth since court case, 391‑398

Hall of Administration building, 392‑394

incorporation of, 219

land acquisition, 375‑386

plans to build auditorium, 391‑393, 396

purchase of candelabra and Steinway, 389

Philadelphia era, 84‑85, 200, 230

The Plain Truth About Christmas, 56, 76

The Plain Truth About Easter, 56, 100, 107

The Plain Truth About Healing, 97‑100

The Plain Truth, 2, 4, 26, 172‑174, 179‑181, 191

adoption of more religious tone, 225‑226

circulation drop, 173

circulation under Armstrong, 2

pay subscription, 4

subscription capped by Tkach, 171, 181

Preface to e-publishing works, 317‑325, 339‑341

Prophecies about pcg winning Mystery of the Ages, 372

Amos 9, 381‑382

Daniel 8 and 12, 367, 371

Habakkuk 1 and 3, 369‑370

Revelation 10, 366‑367, 371

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 263, 308

Salyer, Larry, 43‑44

Schnippert, Bernard, 66‑67, 338‑341

comments on sale of auditorium, 30

head of media operations, 66‑67

involvement in stp, 66, 73

references to depositions, 338‑341, 353

Subject works, 264, 401‑402

Systematic Theology Project, 66, 100

Televangelism, 2

Thompson, Tim, 219

Tkach, Joseph Jr.

apology for Armstrong, 16

having same authority as Armstrong, 7

head of ministry, 65‑66

letter to Dennis Leap, 136‑137, 160‑162

“riddled with error” comment, 93

rise in ranks, 65‑66

Tkach, Joseph Sr.

Ambassador College experience, 49‑50

appointment as pastor general, 39‑40, 200

comments on Armstrong behind changes, 90‑91

comments on being a manager, 173

death of, 233

desiring rank of apostle, 43‑46

educational background, 52‑54, 57‑58

having same authority as Armstrong, 7

involvement in 1979 crisis, 51‑52

“landmark sermon”, 132‑133

not a theologian, 55

pastoral duties, 48‑52

response to David Hulme’s letter, 90‑91

“riddled with error” comment, 104‑105

tape recorder request, 156‑158

Tkachism, 8‑10, 13, 137, 141, 154, 158, 162, 194, 334

accepting responsibility for changes, 166‑167

baby of, 182

charging fees for literature, 337‑338

classic Tkachism, 147

fingerprints of, 79

golden age, 183‑186

managing money, 181‑186

Transformation of wcg

deceitful transformation, xii, 1

without historical precedent, 17

Transformed by Truth, 5, 5‑6, 17‑20

“absolute power corrupts absolutely,” 7, 328

book sales, 18

“Christian duty” end note, xii, 259, 326

discontinued, 18

distribution figures, 18

enigma of Armstrong, 169‑170

the sales technique of Armstrong, 169‑170

Tucker, Ruth

expert report, 352‑353

references to 2002 deposition, 352‑354

relationship with wcg, 19, 354‑355

The Two Babylons, See Hislop, Alexander

United Church of God, 134

The United States and Britain in Prophecy, 3, 21, 58‑60, 77‑78, 94‑97, 128‑130, 151, 174, 277, 301, 319, 402

The Wall Street Journal

Article about court case, See Bravin, Jess

Mystery of the Ages advertisement, 238‑239

Ward, Donald, 73, 81, 113

head of college, 68‑70

The Watchman Expositor, 360

Waterhouse, Gerald, 44, 63, 71, 223, 230‑231

Who Was Jesus?, 119‑120

World Tomorrow program, 2, 22, 26, 36, 177‑179, 189

adoption of more religious tone, 225‑226

cap on number of stations, 179‑181

discontinued, 4‑5

program on Mystery of the Ages, 106

Worldwide Church of God

1970s revolt, 31

budget breakdown, 182

cutbacks, 177‑178, 179‑181

golden age, 188‑195

headquarters move to Big Sandy, 209‑211

income data, 172‑174, 181‑186

income under Armstrong, 2

membership decline, 4, 10, 16

new financial model, 13‑14

receivership, 31‑33

sale of property, 5, 14

statistics at point of Armstrong’s death, 2‑4, 10

statistics in 1997, 4

Worldwide Church of God v. Philadelphia Church of God

Central District of Oklahoma

Judge Letts’s ruling, 273‑276

pre-trial hearing, 248‑251

status conference, 248‑249

temporary restraining order denied, 251, 275‑276

wcg complaint, 247, 268

Counterclaim, 263‑265, 301‑302, 307‑309

summary judgement denied, 311

wcg reply to counterclaim, 265

damages trial, 307, 350‑351

damages sought by wcg, 350‑352

Judge Snyder’s hearings, 350‑352, 354‑355

summary judgment denied, 350

tentative order of Judge Snyder, 350‑352, 354‑355

forum shopping, 255‑256

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

briefs for appeal, 278‑279

dissenting opinion, 293‑295

en banc, 298‑300, 365‑367

injunction, 82‑238, 306

majority opinion, 280, 289‑293

oral arguments, 280‑281

settlement, 364

agreement of principal terms, 356

deal breaker, 373‑374

final settlement reached, 374

rejected offers, 345‑349, 350, 355‑356

Supreme Court petition, 307, 366

The Worldwide News, 13, 173‑174

reduction in number of issues, 172‑173

Youth magazine, 3, 190

reduction in number of issues, 172