Chapter 2: What Is True Education?
Man’s vigorous pursuit of knowledge has done nothing to bring about a solution to world evils. The world’s system of education is based on a fundamentally wrong premise! With the “knowledge” explosion running rampant across the classrooms of society, how can you sift through the glut of information, much of it useless, and fasten yourself to the right foundation so that you might become a truly educated individual? It’s going to be a challenge. But it can be done!
Herbert W. Armstrong once wrote, “The future welfare and even the existence of civilization is dependent on the educational system” (Plain Truth, December 1965). Even an agnostic would have to agree with such a statement. For how could an ignorant and uneducated people endure a nuclear age without destroying one another? Nevertheless, education is something the majority in society take for granted, never stopping to question the current educational methods or teachings. One who is truly educated never relies on assumption! Don’t take things for granted. Prove all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Two Kinds of Knowledge
The Bible reveals that there are two different kinds of knowledge—good and evil. Some have equated this with spiritual knowledge, the good, and material knowledge, the evil. This, however, would make all forms of material, physical knowledge evil, which is certainly not the case.
In Genesis 1:27-28, Adam was given dominion over the physical creation and instructed by God to subdue it. Dominion means “to reign or rule over”—the material creation, that is. To subdue means “to subject to oneself.” To fulfill this God-given assignment, Adam needed to know how to govern! He had to learn how to make things with wood, to start a fire, to grow fruits and vegetables, to work the land. To accomplish this, Adam needed material knowledge.
1 Corinthians 2 reveals why man only, of all the created physical beings, could accomplish such a feat. “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? …” (verse 11). Man was created with a human spirit which sets him apart from animals. He has mind power. (Request our free booklet What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind.)
This human spirit, Mr. Armstrong wrote, “imparts the power of intellect to the human physical brain. The spirit cannot see, hear, taste, smell or feel. The brain sees through the eye, hears through the ear, etc. The ‘human’ spirit cannot of itself think. The physical brain thinks.
“What, then, is the function of this ‘human’ spirit? It is not a ‘soul.’ But 1) it imparts the power of intellect—of thinking, and of mind power, to the human brain; and 2) it is the very means God has instilled, making possible a personal relationship between human man and divine God” (Mystery of the Ages).
Notice, this spirit is not a soul. The physical human body is what became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). This temporary life is made possible and sustained by the breath and the blood, just as it is with animals. But the addition of the human spirit in man gives us the awesome power of intellect so we can think; so we can learn to work with matter; so we can acquire material knowledge through the five senses.
Now notice the rest of 1 Corinthians 2:11: “… even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” In addition to working with material things, Adam was to maintain and develop a loving relationship with his Father—God. He was to marry and develop a loving relationship with a woman—Eve. Furthermore, they were to have children whom they were to love, teach and train to be honest and upstanding citizens.
So we see from the earliest point in man’s history that he had to know how to deal with things (physical knowledge) and how to get along with God and other people (spiritual knowledge). Acquiring the physical knowledge is possible because of the human spirit created in man. The spiritual knowledge, however, comes only through help from a spiritual being—that is, revelation from God. To become truly educated, man needs both kinds of knowledge!
Bible Only the Foundation
Notice what Mr. Armstrong wrote in The Missing Dimension in Sex: “God’s Word—His instruction manual for mankind—is the foundation of all knowledge. It is not the sum total of knowledge. It is the foundation—the true premise—the starting point—the concept that directs the approach to the acquisition of further knowledge. …
“God intended for man to produce additional knowledge. He gave us the basis—the foundation—the premise—the concept. But He also provided us with eyes with which to observe. With hands and feet to explore and measure. With means to produce laboratories, test tubes, means of experimentation. He gave us awesome minds with which to think. …
“God intended man to use observation, experimentation and human reason. He supplied us with the basis—the foundation—the start in the right direction, with the right concept. But our first parents rejected the most vital dimension in all knowledge. And mankind has continued to reject the very foundation of all knowledge. Knowledge production has been operating without a foundation—based on false premises and erroneous hypotheses” (emphasis added throughout).
God’s revelation is the foundation of all knowledge. It’s not all knowledge—just what’s most important. The Bible is like a magnificent summary of the way our Creator thinks. Yet very few people—even those who consider themselves religious—actually study it.
At the end of his Gospel, John wrote, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written” (John 21:25). Few people have ever considered how brief Scripture really is. The whole of Christ’s life and His teachings, as recorded by the four Gospel writers, only fills about 150 pages in most Bibles. The rest of the book contains invaluable knowledge about how the world began, why God entered into a marriage covenant with ancient Israel, how Israel broke that covenant and failed to heed repeated warnings from the prophets, the reason Christ established God’s Church, practical instruction and correction from the apostles for Christians today, and countless prophecies about what is to occur in the days leading to the return of Christ. We could go on. It is a big book, but considering all that it covers, it is exceedingly brief.
Those who ignore this magnificent summary, however, miss out on the most important element of their education. They fail to grasp the basic premise of Scripture—that from cover to cover, it is a book about law. It is the Instruction Manual God sent along with His handiwork—human beings. Its instruction tells us how to live.
Though men have tried and tried to produce their own instruction manuals, nothing even remotely compares to or supersedes God’s inspired Word. The Holy Bible is the indispensable building block of any true and right education.
With the Bible as our beginning premise, God expects our minds to be trained, developed and used to His honor and glory. The overwhelming majority in this world seek after knowledge while rejecting God—many even admit this. And a very few at the opposite end of the spectrum believe that Bible study is all we should do to be truly educated. Neither extreme is true education, as we shall see.
God Wants You to Succeed!
Christ did not come so we might be uneducated and live in poverty. Instead, He said, “… I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Christ wants us to live an ever expanding, happy, joyous life—always developing our minds. He wants us to learn how to deal with things. He wants us to have a productive and educated life now!
Some have concluded that a God-centered education means you must set aside all materialistic pursuits. But true education makes it possible for us to use God’s material creation intelligently according to the way He intended it to be used! Remember, God gave Adam dominion over the creation and then admonished him to dress and improve the garden (Genesis 2:15).
Notice this quote by Mr. Armstrong from the December 1965 Plain Truth: “The Bible is not a book of sentimental religion, as most people think of religion. It contains the foundation of all knowledge—whether of science, of history, of psychology, of genetics, of sound business principles, of health …, of international relations, of government, of family relations, of sex, of social science—the basis and the foundation of all branches of knowledge.”
For you to become educated, the Bible must come alive. It contains practical, common-sense principles, which, if applied, will bring about successful and prosperous results. 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
Few people grasp the true meaning and intent of Christ’s promise in Matthew 6:33. In the verses leading up to this promise, Christ encourages us to rely on God for our needs—to provide food, clothing and shelter. But the conditions for these blessings are stated in verse 33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Notice this! Does Christ tell us to discard everything material on the way to becoming educated? No, He says only to seek the Kingdom and His righteousness first. The Kingdom is most important. But there are other things to seek second, third, etc. The problem is, most people make money, a career choice, a love interest or acquiring material knowledge their number one aim in life. And that’s why, with all of our modern, “educational” pursuits, we are crumbling as a society!
Herbert Armstrong was certainly a great educator. He was an accomplished writer and speaker. He wrote hundreds of articles and booklets along with several books. Millions regularly watched his weekly television program. In addition, he founded three colleges on two continents. Let us examine how Mr. Armstrong became such a success and then look at what he expected of the students attending his colleges.
Not Just a Bible School
The need for capable and educated young men and women for God’s Church became clear to Mr. Armstrong in 1946. That was when the seed was planted for establishing what would later become Ambassador College. “As I thought and planned—and prayed for wisdom and guidance,” he wrote, “the kind of school to be established gradually took shape in my mind. It must not be a ‘Bible school’ or a theological seminary. There was a vital reason! …
“The type of college soon became crystal clear. It must be a liberal arts college, offering a general cultural education, with biblical and theological training offered as one of several major courses” (Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong).
But why a liberal arts education at a religious school? What was this “vital reason” he spoke of? Notice what he said in a sermon on September 5, 1981: “It had to be a different kind of college than any other. Why did it need to be a liberal arts college? Why not just a Bible college to educate people for the ministry? We had to educate them for other things. I wanted an educated ministry to be an educated ministry, not just Bible alone. I wanted them to have the things that are necessary for a well-educated person.”
Here we see the ideal educational institution, as described by Mr. Armstrong. It was one in which the Bible was to serve as the foundation. “The Word of God is the foundation of all knowledge” was the slogan etched in stone on the headquarters campus of the college located in Pasadena, California.
Ambassador College began in 1947 with just four students and eight faculty members. With no qualified teachers in the Church, Mr. Armstrong solicited the best and most qualified instructors from this world to come in and teach at Ambassador. Three of them had Ph.D.’s. Three others had master’s degrees. These instructors were experts in their fields. One was a French teacher; another taught English for many years in India. But all of them had gone through the educational training of this world.
As the school year approached, Mr. Armstrong faced much negative pressure from the instructors he hired. In organizing the class schedules, the board reduced his required three-hour Bible course to a two-hour minor. Because he was traveling so much, Mr. Armstrong didn’t notice the schedule change until it was too late. The school year had started.
To combat this undercurrent of hostility, Mr. Armstrong decreed that all students and faculty were required to attend his Bible class. He also added a weekly forum to the class schedule. This was also required for the faculty.
He later wrote, “I am sure that first school year was a bit uncomfortable to some of the faculty members attending my lectures. But it did establish the educational foundation for Ambassador College. And it became very convincing to all four students! …
“But with a faculty trained in this world’s scholarship, I found that it required determined dominance on my part, plus vigilance, to assure [a right education]” (Autobiography).
It took “determined dominance” on Mr. Armstrong’s part to ensure that those four students were being educated on the right foundation. And that’s what it will take for you to become educated. Mr. Armstrong set out to create an atmosphere for learning at Ambassador. In addition to the normal class schedule of 15 to 18 hours per week, students also worked 20 hours to gradually pay off their college tuition. There was a weekly Bible study and Sabbath service. Every other week, the men met for Ambassador Club—a club designed to teach men how to speak and communicate, how to think on their feet. The acclaimed Ambassador Auditorium sponsored a yearly concert series, attracting many of the top musical performers in the world. Mr. Armstrong always valued events of fine culture and quality. He wanted the students to experience them as well.
Ambassador students were taught the finer points of dating, the proper roles for men and women, and how to prepare for marriage. That’s quite a contrast to the universities of this world where the average 18-year-old is turned loose in an environment that promotes partying, competition, cheating and multiple sex partners.
Mr. Armstrong wanted students to get involved in intramural sports. Yet it was never to be a college that revolved around sports, as is the case with most universities today.
There were plenty of opportunities for Ambassador students to travel as well. Knowing the value of world travel for a complete education, instructors, counselors and resident assistants encouraged students to take advantage of such opportunities.
All of these opportunities, combined, helped students acquire a balanced, well-rounded education. Ambassador College, Mr. Armstrong wrote, was never to be “a factory of knowledge production, but of human character production” (Plain Truth, August-September 1970). What a profound truth! The true education of an individual should be measured by what one is instead of by what one knows! Yet, modern education focuses only on knowledge accumulation. What good is that, if it’s wrong knowledge? Or even if it is the right knowledge, what good is it if it’s not applied?
If we go back even further in Mr. Armstrong’s life, we will see how a man who never went to college eventually became a great success, physically and spiritually.
Ambition More Than Desire
A couple of things happened to Mr. Armstrong as a teenager that aroused a burning desire to be a success in life. While working at a hotel at the age of 16, Mr. Armstrong was praised by his manager for his diligent effort. He told a young Herbert that he could be a great success in life if he really pushed himself. This was the “spark of ambition,” as Mr. Armstrong called it, that led to a great education. The spark of ambition, he later wrote, “is the vital ingredient that has been missing in most human lives.” Mr. Armstrong began devouring books: studying great biographies, philosophy, business administration.
In his readings, he came across the Autobiography of Ben Franklin, an American classic. He wrote, “I have been greatly influenced by the tremendous impress on my life that resulted from a triple reading of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. After reading that, I sought to learn by the experiences of other successful men” (Autobiography).
When he was 18, he found a book titled Choosing a Vocation. After thorough analysis, he decided he would be best suited for a job in advertising or journalism.
Immediately, he went to his uncle Frank for advice. For the next 11 years, according to Mr. Armstrong, Uncle Frank “practically steered my life.” He asked his uncle whether or not he should study advertising and journalism in a university. “Well, Herbert,” he counseled, “that depends on you and how much ambition and drive you have.” Uncle Frank continued, “Education comes from study—from books—from lectures—from contacts—from travel—from thinking about what you see and hear and read—and from experience.
“The reason we have to maintain schools and universities is simply that most people are too lazy—most lack the ambition and persistence, the drive—to procure an education outside of schools and colleges” (ibid).
This is the well-balanced education Mr. Armstrong later established at Ambassador College. Early in his life, Mr. Armstrong learned that education is not something you go out and get. It’s a way of life! Education is rightly developed character. This is not to say that all college courses are wrong. But a college degree does not make you educated.
And what was Mr. Armstrong’s response to his uncle’s advice? “I went home and thought it over thoroughly. Ambition is not only the desire, but the determination and the will to achieve the desired goal” (ibid).
Most want to be a success. Most want to be considered educated. But they don’t have the will and desire to really seek after it. We have been taught to assume and follow along with the crowd. Never assume! Why do people usually lack the will and determination to achieve their desired goal? Because our selfish society teaches you to get what you desire immediately. “Don’t work too hard,” the saying goes. It takes hard work and self-discipline to become truly educated. But most are unwilling to put forth that kind of effort.
Because of our lack of will and determination, the “educated” masses float along as victims of circumstance. Very few ever stop to think about what they are doing and why. Education today does not teach students how to think.
Two Ingredients to Education
In his early years, two main ingredients in Mr. Armstrong’s life helped get him started in the right direction toward true education. First, as we have seen, he developed a great sense of ambition—not just the desire, but the will to be successful. Certainly, several things helped to develop this ambition, but nothing sparked it more than Ben Franklin’s autobiography. After this, Mr. Armstrong sought to learn from the lives of great men. This is an important biblical principle.
In 2 Thessalonians 3, Paul encouraged the brethren to follow his example. “For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us; we were not idle when we were with you” (verse 7; rsv). Paul and his companions worked day and night and were careful to pay the members for any food, as verse 8 points out. Notice why they did this: “It was not because we have not that right, but to give you in our conduct an example to imitate” (verse 9; rsv). They could have demanded more from the brethren, but didn’t because they wanted to set an example of hard work!
In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul said, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” In 1 Peter 2:21, it says Christ left us an example so that we might follow His steps. Mr. Armstrong realized the importance of following in the steps of great men of history. What an impact a successful example of a great man or woman can have on others. It was the main reason Mr. Armstrong wrote his autobiography. He said, “[T]his autobiography is being written in the hope that these unusual life experiences may bring inspiration, encouragement and benefit to many” (ibid).
Paul went on to say in 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11, “For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: If any one will not work, let him not eat. For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, mere busybodies, not doing any work” (rsv). Paul commanded such people to work hard, make their own living, and to do it quietly (verse 12). Hard work ought to be considered a blessing instead of a curse. Working hard, and doing the best job you can, is what really makes you happy. It takes hard work to properly educate yourself in how to live.
The second main ingredient that can be attributed to Mr. Armstrong’s good education and eventual success is that he had much respect for, and continually sought after the wisdom and counsel of his elders. We have seen how he looked to his uncle, who practically steered his life for 11 years. Many scriptures teach us to search for and listen to wise counsel (Proverbs 12:15; 19:20; 20:5; Ephesians 6:1-3).
As an indication of where we have arrived as an “educated” society, one only needs to compare the role models and wise counselors children looked up to years ago with those they look up to now. Yesterday’s role models—like Jesus Christ, Abraham, David, Paul, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Herbert Armstrong—could hardly be compared with the athletes and rock stars most teens worship today. Neither can the wisdom and counsel of parents, relatives or the elderly be compared with the instruction most young people now seek from their peers.
Living in an immoral society where the family is disintegrating makes the acquisition of a proper education difficult. It can be done. But if you are to be educated, you will have to seek after that spark of ambition and then drive yourself with all the will and determination of a great warrior.
Keys for Success
To assist you with that battle, we will conclude this chapter with seven points to becoming properly educated.
1) Build a solid spiritual foundation. We were put on Earth to become educated in spiritual and material knowledge. Unless proper spiritual knowledge is our foundation in life, everything will be established on the wrong premise.
In Matthew 7:24, Christ gives His disciples knowledge, and then He admonishes them to go out and apply it! Those who do He likens to a man who builds a house on a solid-rock foundation—immovable during a severe storm. Those who don’t He likens to a man who builds on a foundation of sand. The consequences of building on a wrong foundation are deadly. Soon, a “storm” like no other is coming upon this immoral society. Will you be able to stand? If so, realize this: Knowledge unapplied is of no value.
Several other verses should be studied within this context: Psalm 111:10; Matthew 6:33; 1 Corinthians 10:31.
To be a real success, our pursuit after material knowledge must be based on the right, immovable spiritual foundation.
2) Capture the vision of the kind of person you would like to become. Without vision, people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he ….”
Seeking first God’s Kingdom is the ultimate vision. But there are lesser goals, which can be attained through right priorities and hard work. Understanding your role as a man or woman should be foremost in your mind, since the strength of a nation depends on solid individual families. For the man, determining your life’s vocation or profession is critical to being the kind of provider God intends you to be. Mr. Armstrong took an aptitude test to see where he would best fit into the job market. He had a goal, a vision. But just desiring that was not enough. He had to have the will to achieve it.
3) Prepare and work to meet your goals. It has been said that opportunity favors the prepared man. Proverbs 24:27 says, “First work your farm, and till the soil—then marry and set up house” (Moffatt).
Notice the system of priorities. Some men have set out with every passion and desire to find that special someone, while spending very little time or effort to secure a good job or to better themselves educationally. Heed the proverb!
Marriage itself is a career, not to be entered into until both parties have prepared. But most don’t understand that marriage is a God-plane relationship that represents the marriage of Jesus Christ to the Church (Ephesians 5:21-32; Revelation 19:7; request our free booklet Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete?). Consequently, many enter into the sacred marriage vows unprepared and not really committed, thinking divorce is always an option in case things do not work out. Regardless of what society teaches, marriage is a sacred covenant, not only between the husband and wife, but between them and God! And a covenant that momentous should not be made hastily, without counting the cost; but only after much planning and preparation.
Likewise then, you are not ready for a vocational career until you have been properly prepared. Mr. Armstrong wrote in The Missing Dimension in Sex, “The years between ages 16 and 25 are the vitally important years of adult preparation for life’s work. These are the crucial years of preparation. During these years the mind is capable of acquiring faster than at any other stage of life the advanced knowledge needed before beginning one’s adult career—whether it be business, profession, occupation or marriage.”
But careful planning, hard work and preparation require patience, which most in this “get it now” generation do not have. Why else would so many frustrated people suddenly realize, after years of unhappiness, that they are in a job they hate, a marriage they want to get out of, and a life they do not enjoy? Most do not count the cost before making life’s most critical decisions.
4) Learn to be humble like God. We have seen how the God of this universe actually wants you to be happy, healthy and prosperous (Matthew 6:33; John 10:10; 3 John 2). If that is true, then we should want this all-powerful Being on our side! Notice how we can do that: “For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word” (Isaiah 66:2). In Isaiah 57:15, God says He dwells “with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.”
To listen to and heed the wise counsel of older, wiser individuals takes much humility. Adhering to and diligently obeying God’s laws concerning success in business and family requires even greater humility. One of the fundamental problems with modern education is vanity. Humility, on the other hand, will pave the way for a right, God-centered education.
5) Whatever career you pursue, strive to become an expert. Your job is a career. Your marriage is a career. Preparing for God’s Kingdom is, or at least should be, a career.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” We only have limited time during this physical life to become educated. We only have a brief amount of time on Earth to really learn to work hard in our profession. Simplify your life enough so you can devote quality time and hard work toward what’s important: God, family, work, the community, an educational hobby. And then, whatever you do, work hard! God expects excellence from His children. He gave us minds for that purpose: to be developed and trained to operate effectively and efficiently.
We should all have at least one skill that we are striving to become an expert at—something that is our own specialty. Become an authority on that subject. Give it your own special and unique brand or twist. Give your best at what you do, and you will live a happy, prosperous, healthy, successful, secure and abundant life.
6) Continually add new and exciting challenges to your life. Always observe, think and learn. Seek a better, more productive way of doing things. You have the mind to do it. That is what makes life interesting. It’s what stimulates personal growth. Unless we try to go beyond what we have already mastered, we will never grow. A life full of obstacles and challenges is a blessing. Don’t fall for the life of ease and relaxation that so many desire. Happiness comes from working hard at what you do and doing it well.
7) Realize that true education never stops. “School” is not a four-year institution. It’s a lifelong project. Focus on developing the whole person. Never stop in your studies of great men and women. Always seek counsel before making big decisions. Continue to develop communication and social skills. Build new friendships. Look for and take advantage of new opportunities to serve. Acquire educational hobbies. Seize every opportunity to travel. Take part in an enjoyable sport. Get regular exercise.
Mr. Armstrong wrote, “When a man decides he already has achieved success, and retires—quits—he never lives long. I expect to stay in harness as long as I live” (Autobiography). In fact, during the last year of his life, at the age of 93, he wrote his most powerful and effective book, Mystery of the Ages.
Education, as we have seen, is a way of life. It is learning how to live, not just how to make a living. Education is building character. It is doing what is right, not what is pleasurable, or what you feel like doing.
Notice Luke 18:28: “Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.” It does require much sacrifice to follow God. But notice what Christ promises to those who do: “Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting” (verses 29-30). We’ll receive much more even now! Seek first the Kingdom, and “all these things” will be added (Matthew 6:33). This is a promise. There is a definite correlation between physical and spiritual prosperity.
God wants you to lead a happy, successful, exciting life. But most do not because they refuse to do what God asks in order to receive such blessings. Begin now by submitting to God in all humility. Then seek His Kingdom with all of your might. Beyond that, if you make God the center of your life in every goal you have, prepare for a life of happiness and abundant blessings. God’s laws work. See for yourself. Put it to the test. If you do, what an education life will be!
Sidebar: Take the Bible at Its Word
Do you know one of the biggest mistakes people of religion make? They assume the Bible was written merely to inform the mind when in fact God wrote it to change your mind! Only a fraction of mankind even bothers to read the Bible, let alone apply the words of the world’s bestseller. True education is nothing if not the persistent and determined training of the mind to think, act and reason like the mind of God.
Jeremiah wrote, “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word” (Psalm 119:16). He didn’t forget because of what he wrote in verse 15: “I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.” Jeremiah read, studied and then meditated, or thought about what he read, several times over!
Continuing from this inspiring psalm: “O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation” (verses 97-99). Jeremiah completed his studies later as he meditated on them.
When asked how he discovered the law of gravitation, Isaac Newton responded, “By thinking about it all the time.” Just think about how the course of history was altered when a great thinker like Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill came along. Those were men with vision.
Jesus Christ was the greatest thinker who ever lived. Yet most do not try to emulate His way of thinking because it’s just not “practical” in this modern age. That’s nonsense! The Bible is a practical book revealing principles that, if applied, would bring about rock-solid, positive results.
Practice these principles. Take the Bible at its word. Most people, even in religion, do not believe the Bible. Otherwise, there would not be so much religious deception and division in this world. Believe the Bible, not men. Think on these things. Then, if you apply them, prepare to become educated. And as you develop in that education, you will find yourself taking on the very nature and character of God Himself.