Ryan Malone

Do You Enjoy True Culture?

The decline of high art is a problem worth resisting.

Using the New Testament alone, can you prove that the Sabbath is still in effect today?

Live by this eternal truth.

Even the New Testament shows that God expects us to observe a seventh-day Sabbath.

The benefits can last far longer than you think!

This booklet explores music’s importance as revealed in Scripture. It investigates the Bible’s various references to music—its history before man’s creation, its journey through Old Testament Israel and the New Testament Church, as well as its future as revealed in Bible prophecy. It shows how music is a component of godly culture—an essential part of an individual’s personal enrichment and even his or her relationship with God. What is more, the Bible reveals the answers to foundational historical questions regarding music. More than a fascinating view of the biblical history of music, this study represents essential knowledge in the worship of the true God.

Why Germany has such a promising future!

We’re sure we know what talent is, and that superior ability and greatness are the results of it. Research tells us something remarkably different.

What the ayatollah, Darwin and Freud were missing out on

Learn what musicologists have never taught.

Why the coming utopia will be a feast for the senses!

The festival of Trumpets pictures a trumpet blast that will change this world forever!

“This is too hard!” gives you a great opportunity.

A lesson from a piano

Are you ready to follow?

The Day of Atonement pictures how the world—held captive by Satan the devil—will soon be set free!

How we can practice living God-like lives!

Does Scripture account for the age of reptiles?

Science has measured the amazing effects of gratitude in our lives.

Understanding and fulfilling their greatest need

What the World Tomorrow will be like … and why it will be that way.

Musical group represents a college and a vision of the future.

Fathers! You may not realize how important physical beauty is to your daughter. Here’s how you can combat society’s lies about beauty and teach your daughter the truth!

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