Abraham Blondeau

Canada’s Policy of Anti-Semitism

The Trudeau government’s betrayal of Israel

The uniparty is being exposed and dismantled.

The path from education to indoctrination

Ballots and Bible prophecy

When a nation succumbs to lawlessness

Charles de Gaulle and France in Bible prophecy

Justin Trudeau is not going anywhere.

What happens when not only consuming pornography but also producing it becomes normal?

The origins of Canada’s charter and democratic decline

The covert movement in public education to destroy books

How prostitution is becoming mainstream

Another case of unconfronted foreign influence

High ideals, poor execution, deadly consequences

Celebrity and Marxist cultures intertwine.

The new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the perfect race warrior.

The long history of aiding and abetting terrorism

The consequences of compromising with evil

The fracturing of interests over foreign policy

Soon this article could be illegal.

A day of shame at the heart of Canada’s democracy

The rot is much deeper than you think.

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