NASA’s Achievement: Curiosity Is a Success

Nasa’s Mars Science Laboratory mission has enjoyed a successful first few days of its planned two-year mission.

On Thursday, the Curiosity rover sent another postcard from Mars—the very first 360-degree color view of Gale Crater.

The mission is to study whether Gale Crater ever had conditions favorable for microbial life.

Earlier this week after landing, the Martian exploration vehicle raised its mast containing high-resolution and navigation cameras, giving scientists a better view of the landing site.

Since landing Sunday night, nasa’s six-wheel rover has sent home a trickle of images, beginning with grainy, black-and-white photos. It has also sent a low-quality video of the last few minutes of its descent to the Martian surface.

Starting Saturday, nasa scientists will begin a major software upgrade to transition Curiosity from the landing phase into exploration mode.

Once the software is successfully installed, the rover will be surface-ready for the two-year mission.

Curiosity’s journey is possibly one of the greatest scientific achievements in mankind’s history.

Mars should inspire us beyond words to describe, but it never will until we view our destiny as God does. To learn more about your inspiring future, read Gerald Flurry’s article “Mars Reveals Your Universe Potential!