EU Expands Influence in Angola


The European Commission chairman, José Manuel Barroso, began a three-day visit to Angola on April 18. Barroso came to the country’s capital of Luanda at the invitation of the Angolan government.

The EU leader has met Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos and the speaker of the National Assembly, Antonio Paulo Kassoma. The leaders have exchanged views on economic cooperation and African security issues.

Barroso said that the relations with Angola are important since the country is gradually rising regionally and globally. The commissioner said that the European Union is willing to increase communication and coordination with Angola on international and regional issues.

The EU has also agreed to sign an agreement with Angola that would provide a fund of more than a million euros to create non-governmental organizations there.

The Trumpet continues to watch world powers to see which ones will lay hold on the rich resources of Africa. We predict that the German-led EU will eventually control access to those resources. For more on the significance of Europe’s interest in Africa, read “Germany’s Plan to Control Africa.”