Middle East



Iran Resumes Terror Support

Menewsline.com, Jan. 9

“Iran has resumed weapons shipments to [Syrian-based terrorist organization] Hezbollah under the guise of an international relief effort for the victims of the earthquake in Bam.

“Israeli intelligence sources said … Syrian aircraft were deployed to transport the weapons from Iran to Damascus, where the cargo proceeded overland to Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. …

“‘The Syrian aircraft was said to have brought equipment to Iran for the earthquake survivors,’ an intelligence source said. ‘When they arrived in Iran, these aircraft were loaded with weapons for Hezbollah and flown back to Damascus.’”

Germany, Libya and Nukes?

Deutsche Welle, Jan. 1

“Just a few months before Libya declared it would cease its efforts to create weapons of mass destruction, American and British agents seized a German freighter ship loaded with centrifuges and other parts that are used to create enriched uranium, the material needed to build nuclear bombs. The seizure is believed to have influenced Tripoli’s decision to suspend its weapons program last month.”

The Libya incident is not an isolated one. Remember when French armaments were found in Iraq? This is more evidence that Europe has an agenda for the Mideast quite different from America’s—one that, at this point, is actually undermining the U.S. war on terror.