Germany’s Angela Merkel and the Balkanization of Europe

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spearheads the drive toward a two-tier European Union.

“Merkel’s political union,” declared one headline. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants German austerity to dominate the European Union,” cried another. Yet one more, with an eye to history, read, “The silent Anschluss.” These all reflected reactions to Germany’s demand for the enforcement of a fiscal union upon the eurozone.

The Anschluss was the term used to describe Nazi Germany’s annexing of Austria in 1938, the year before the world erupted into the worst war in mankind’s history. It’s rather ominous to see the term employed again in connection with a current German drive for hegemony in Europe.

Even before the “fiscal pact” to be enforced under the new eurozone treaty has been agreed, Germany is seeking to impose onerous conditions on Greece.

The virtual enslavement of Greece’s economy to Berlin/Brussels is the final initiative to colonize the Balkan Peninsula and bring it under the control of the Holy Roman elites of the EU. Greece’s capitulation to Berlin/Brussels will set the precedent for the same dictatorial regime to be enforced on the rest of the EU.

The term Balkanization is an interesting one. By definition it refers to the process of dividing a large politico/geographic region into smaller groups of states or nations. It originally applied around the turn of the 19th century to the carving up of the formerly Ottoman-ruled Balkan Peninsula into a number of small, opposing nation-states.

The process was repeated in the1990s when Germany and the Vatican’s recognition of Slovenia and Croatia as sovereign states separate from Yugoslavia stimulated the entire breakup of greater Yugoslavia ending in its virtual colonization by the German-led EU.

A valid comparison can today be made between the breakup and colonization of Yugoslavia and a similar tactic German elites are now using to virtually Balkanize the whole EU.

The instrument they are using is the forthcoming eurozone treaty that will endorse a fiscal union of top-tier states—destined to number exactly 10—and result in a second tier of nation-states enjoying lesser recognition than the 10.

On present indications, the second tier will comprise some states that willingly accede to the authority of the governing power of the 10, and others that are so economically weakened and culturally resistant to the dominating power that they will become virtually enslaved within the union. Greece risks falling into the latter category.

One observer who is quite familiar with the effects of this process is Serbian journalist Momcilo Pantelic. In a recent piece, Pantelic observed that “we have seen a flare-up between financially responsible and spendthrift countries and between the more developed and less developed members of the EU. All of this has a lot in common with the process that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia” (Politika, January 15).

He also notes the similarity between the undemocratic nature of the EU and old Yugoslavia under Marshall Tito: “The democratic deficit suggests yet another parallel: In the one-party system in Yugoslavia, leaders were not elected by universal suffrage, just like the highly placed civil servants that manage today’s EU—in spite of the fact that all of the members of the Union have multi-party systems” (emphasis added).

A third comparison Pantelic notes between the EU and Yugoslavia is that “both systems have encountered difficulties for the same reasons. Recourse to the principle of unanimity and consensus has prompted a crisis in the decision-making process which has affected the efficiency of the EU, in the same way that it undermined Yugoslavia. Neither entity has succeeded in finding the right compromise between the center and the periphery, nationalism and internationalism, internal and common policy, and between indebtedness and growth.”

With similar forces at play, the disintegration of the European Union as a complete entity is inevitable—but only after it has fully served its original purpose. That purpose was highlighted by the once “strongman of Europe,” Franz Josef Strauss, in his vision for Germany published in his book The Grand Design. In that book he noted that Germany’s unprecedented rapid return to national strength following World War ii owed much to what he described as “the great service of Dr. Adenauer”: that man winning back “two thirds of the fruits of victory” and by bringing West Germany “back to a level of international importance in a fascinatingly short time.”

The point is, Konrad Adenauer could never have done that if not for one thing: He deliberately filled positions of authority under his administration with ex-Nazis who had held on to their vision of imperial Germany dominating Europe.

That grand old observer of Germany, Harry Beckhough, saw this firsthand and records his account in his book Thinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Beckhough was in a prime position as a sounding board for Adenauer during the very time that Germany’s first postwar chancellor was engaged in this practice. This strategy of Adenauer’s guaranteed that the imperialist vision of certain German elites, codified in the Red House Report, gained traction very early in Germany’s revival after the war. It gave legs to the strategy of Franz Josef Strauss, who maintained that “it was going to be much easier for Germany to make a comeback as a member of … a European federation, than as a German Reich.” This, Strauss maintained, was “the only approach that made a comeback possible.”

Now that comeback has been well and truly accomplished, German elites are moving to the next phase of the vision of their forefathers who went largely underground to keep their dream of achieving a thousand-year Reich alive. With Germany’s comeback to global power and influence now achieved, their next step is to establish the Fourth Reich. Hence their using for the EU the same model adopted to colonize the Balkans: Create a crisis, then pose the solution—divide, conquer and dominate the resultant colonies!

The main difference between the 1990s Balkanization of Yugoslavia and the process now underway in Europe is that the former was achieved by Helmut Kohl’s deliberate provocation of hot war in the Balkan Peninsula. The latter, occurring under Angela Merkel’s mandate, is being achieved by treaty.

“Germany is not just sexy, cool Berlin. It is a vast, rigidly conservative place, and it is reaching for power.

“Europe must say no” (Star, January 27).

The reality is that only the few, like Britain, will say no. The results will not be pretty for the naysayers.

In the end, Europe will not be very dissimilar to the Balkans: It will be divided into a strata of regions, all subservient in the end to Germany both politically and economically. The unifying factor that will bind this stratified EU together will be that which has been the only means to achieve cultural unity over its history in the past. Europe is destined for a moment in time to revert to its prior religious allegiance to Rome.

Though this predestined demography of Europe will be short lived, the results will be more devastating than any previous time when the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation dominated the European continent.

Yet there is a grand hope that lies beyond that cruelly devastating seventh and final rise of the old Holy Roman Empire. It is a hope that is beyond human comprehension, and it is as sure as tomorrow’s rising sun. Believe it or not, it is the one hope for humankind’s survival, predicated upon the return of the very Savior of mankind, the living Jesus Christ!