South Africa’s ANC Youth League Praises Kim Jong Il


The South African anc Youth League has put forth one of the most flattering eulogies of late North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il to be publicly released by a political organization.

In a statement released last Thursday, youth leader Abner Mosaase praised Kim Jong Il for taking his people out of poverty, ending homelessness, cleaning up the environment and defending North Korea from the imperialist United States of America. He then went on to write that the working people of South Africa will remember his struggle as they struggle to nationalize their economy and defeat the legacy of apartheid.

While most of the free world is breathing a sigh of relief at the death of a nuclear tyrant, the African National Congress Youth League is joining the Iranian Parliament and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in lamenting the demise of a fellow revolutionary.

Kim Jong Il sent thousands of suspected political opponents to live as walking skeletons in state-run gulags and presided over one of the worst man-made famines ever recorded in peace time. Despite these well-known facts, the anc Youth League praises him for helping his people out of poverty and ending homelessness. What kind of future does South Africa have when its next generation of leaders laud such role models?

South Africa’s ruling anc/Communist cabal seems bent on steering the nation away from its colonial past and into a North Korea-style future. For more information on the future of South Africa, read our booklet South Africa in Prophecy.