New Trade Pact Furthers ASEAN Integration


Southeast Asian government officials signed a series of trade deals on Sunday designed to integrate their economies and construct an economic and political union modeled on the European Union by 2015.

The heads of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (asean), meeting in Thailand, agreed to the Cha-Am Hua Hin Declaration on the Roadmap for an asean Community (2009-2015). This plan looks to transform asean into a single, integrated market, albeit without a common currency, within the next six years. In addition, on Friday the asean leaders signed a free-trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand.

This development of trade and economic ties among Southeast Asian nations will spark more unity in the region. As these nations integrate economically with each other and with nations such as China and Japan, the groundwork is being laid for future political and military alliances. Resources from Australia and New Zealand will feed this growing alliance with food and raw materials.

Consider the influence that an economically united Asia, supported by a militarily united Asia, would have on the world. What would be the ramifications of Japan’s superior navy combining with China’s space and nuclear technology, and both being supported by tens of millions of foot soldiers from around Asia? It would create one mammoth military.

That is exactly what the Bible prophesies. For more on where current trade and economic agreements in Asia are leading, read our booklet Russia and China in Prophecy.