A Keen Sense of Crisis

It can make the difference between life and death.

The ability to sense danger is a life-saving quality. We see this lesson everywhere in nature. Take the herd of antelope grazing peacefully on the sun-soaked prairies of Africa. Danger surrounds them. They are the filet mignon of lions, cheetahs and sundry other carnivores prowling the plains in search of fine dining. For the antelope, staying alive is a function of their ability to sense danger and react quickly.

Perhaps you’ve seen a documentary of this scene: A herd of antelope is grazing blithely, seemingly unaware of the lip-licking lion nearby in the tall grass, stealthily stalking, crafting his assault, contemplating the best attack route, the timing, the target. Suddenly, the peaceful colony becomes restless. Heads dart up, ears twitch, noses whiff the ominous scent, alert eyes scan the horizon. A few beasts begin to move, then suddenly, though the lion remains hidden, the herd stampedes.

The outcome of this story varies. Sometimes the antelope dodges death, sometimes a comrade is taken. Whatever the case, the herd’s reaction limits the potential for casualties and makes the attack infinitely tougher for the lion.

The lesson is, while it is the act of running that reduces the antelope’s chances of being mauled, that action is motivated by a sense of crisis. Anyone who hunts has witnessed this: Sometimes even the faintest sound or scent of a human is enough to arouse a sense of danger in a deer that stirs it to flee the crosshairs of a poised rifle.

In the animal world, life and death are often separated by a keen sense of crisis.

How keen is our sense of crisis? How acutely do we perceive the dangers facing our lives, our families and our nations? Does an accurate sense of crisis underpin your actions and drive your life forward? Our planet faces catastrophic dangers that threaten our very survival. Does this create within us a sense of crisis so deep that we are motivated to learn how to escape the danger?

At the Trumpet, we talk about the multitude of dangers besieging America, Britain and Israel. You can learn about why we focus on these nations by requesting a free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy. We write often about the threat of economic Armageddon lingering over Britain and America; the spiritual and moral disintegration in these societies; the weakness of their national leadership; their geopolitical impotence; the danger they face from crime, disease epidemics, immigration, and the list goes on.

Despite these dangers, these nations have little sense of crisis, nationally or individually. Why?

First, human nature dislikes the truth when it threatens to disrupt one’s own interests, desires and lifestyle. We will go to great lengths to hide from the truth or to color it in our own terms if the truth demands that we act counter to our desires.

A sense of crisis provides no leeway for inaction. When a human is frightened or faces immediate danger, the brain demands fight or flight: A person will either stay and fight, or quickly take flight. Either way, the sense of crisis demands a reaction.

But with no sense of crisis, no need is felt to react! British and American societies thrive on inaction, passivity and a don’t rock the boat mentality. These nations manage external threats by relying on diplomacy and appeasement rather than action; they create environments that encourage economic irresponsibility rather than curb it; they pass laws that condone moral depravity or illegal immigration because that’s easier than enforcing laws that would prevent these crises.

Having a weak sense of crisis, or having none at all, leads to passivity, procrastination and weak solutions. When we bury our heads in the sand, personally or as a nation, we ignore the need to confront danger.

This individual and collective lack of a sense of crisis is the result of a culture of self-gratification and pleasure. Wrapped up in materialism and an unbalanced desire for satisfying the senses, our peoples have lost touch with reality.

This is a deadly state of mind. An accurate sense of crisis is healthy and important, nationally and individually. Like the antelope on the prairie, it can help us deal with danger before it strikes. A sense of crisis is a precursor to action; it is one of the factors that drives us to react, to respond, and to act. Without it, passivity prevails while the danger grows larger—until one day it explodes in our faces.

Ancient history shows what happens when people become consumed by materialism and self-gratification, and lose the capacity to sense crisis. Read Matthew 24:36-39, a passage describing the time of Noah, when people focused on satisfying fleshly lusts and were shocked when the heavens opened and the Flood came. Notice the context of that passage: It’s a prophecy for today (verse 27).

How acutely do you perceive the dangers facing you, your family and your nation? We all need a reality check from time to time. Take the time to conduct an honest, open-minded analysis of world events. Be prepared—the picture is not pretty. As your mind grows more outward focused and takes on a newly invigorated sense of crisis, you may be flooded with questions. Why are the dangers occurring? Can they be prevented? How can you escape them? What happens after the crises have come and gone?

Be assured, when these questions arise, the Trumpet will be here to show you the answers. They are thrilling beyond belief! Request a free copy of Mystery of the Ages to get a head start on discovering those answers.