Another Kosovo Fake


The U.S. and British administrations continue to claim success in the Kosovo war of last year despite a string of embarrassing revelations to the contrary.

Last year Stratfor Systems, a Texas-based intelligence service, forced the hand of the United Nations by revealing that the Kosovo killing fields simply did not exist. This forced the UN to revise their estimates downward from the outlandish figures touted by nato’s spin doctors.

Then came the exposure of the British TV news team from itn in their falsely claiming that a photograph of refugees at Trnopolje camp was proof of the Serbs setting up Nazi-style concentration camps for Albanian prisoners. As U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke admitted in a TV interview, it was this fake photograph which dominated the minds of the U.S. administration and nato operations as they discussed their strategy to bomb Serbia.

Hard on the heels of these embarrassing reports, yet another Kosovo fake has been revealed.

Within two weeks of the launching of nato’s bombing campaign against Serbia, Germany’s Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer revealed the purported existence of Operation Horseshoe. This plan ostensibly showed that Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic was intent on ethnically cleansing Kosovo’s entire Albanian population. Nato then took up the cudgel, regularly citing Operation Horseshoe as proof that Belgrade had long planned the expulsion of Albanians, thus further justifying its bombing raids over the Serbian capital from 15,000 feet up.

Now a retired German brigadier, Heinz Loquai, reveals in a new book that this purported plan touted by Fischer was a complete fake!

Loquai claims that Operation Horseshoe was fabricated from a vague Bulgarian intelligence report which was connived to gain public support for nato’s campaign. However, even this apparently sham report indicates Bulgaria had concluded that Milosevic’s aim was to merely destroy the Kosovo Liberation Army, not to expel all Albanians!