Illegal Immigrant Admits Terrorist Ties


The United States Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas, caught a member of the Hezbollah terrorist group on March 9 who had illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico.

Details: The Lebanese 22-year-old, Basel Bassel Ebbadi, admitted he is part of Hezbollah and claimed he planned “to make a bomb,” head to New York, and then travel elsewhere in the country. He also admitted to using a pseudonym and falsified birthday to travel earlier this year in Ecuador, Panama and Sweden.

Ebbadi had no documents, claiming they were stolen from him in Costa Rica. He also claimed he left Lebanon out of a desire to escape the need to kill people.

Border crisis: U.S. Border Patrol agents catch more and more illegal immigrants with terrorist ties each year:

  • 98 in 2022
  • 172 in 2023
  • 59 people so far this year

How many have passed through without being caught?

Intentional: No U.S. leader in his right mind would willingly allow the border crisis to continue. So why is this happening? Bible prophecy tells us the cause for today’s affliction.

To learn more, read “The Intentional Border Crisis.”