Civil War Engulfs Ecuador


Gunmen stormed Ecuadoran public television channel TC’s studio during a broadcast on Tuesday, heightening a wave of violence that has flooded the South American nation over the past few days. In response, Ecuadoran President Daniel Noboa identified 22 gangs as terrorist organizations and ordered his military to hunt them down. He called this an “armed internal conflict,” signaling to the world that Ecuador is in the throes of civil war.

Several explosions have rocked the country in recent days, and at least seven police officers have been kidnapped.

Prison uprisings: Gang leader Adolfo Macias disappeared from prison on January 7. Following his disappearance, prisoners began taking over prisons, and gangs declared war on police and civilians. Inmates are holding over 130 prison guards and staff hostage in at least five facilities.

In response, Noboa declared a 60-day state of emergency on January 8.

Noboa, who took office in November, has promised to end Ecuadoran drug violence. His government believes the recent attacks are in retaliation to plans to build a new high-security prison for gang leaders.

Who is behind the attack? Authorities in the United States have condemned the violence. But the condemnations ring hollow because it is the addictions of the American populace funding the drug cartels.

Latin America’s drug problem cannot be solved until the U.S.’s drug addiction is eradicated. Until then, American decadence will continue to ravage its own cities and faraway regions.

Learn more: Read “What Is True Freedom?” in our booklet No Freedom Without Law.