Iran Collaborates With Al Qaeda and Taliban to Attack Israelis


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (irgc) is recruiting Afghans and working with al Qaeda to target Israelis in suicide attacks, Iran International reported in an exclusive on December 27.

It seems that the Islamic Republic of Iran, al Qaeda and Taliban have put aside their religious differences for a broader war against Israel, using Afghan suicide bombers.
—Mojtaba Pourmohsen, Iran International journalist

Israeli blog Intellitimes first reported on December 24 that the irgc’s Quds Force was recruiting Afghan suicide terrorists.

Attempted attacks: For over a year, reports have surfaced of Afghan and Pakistani Quds Force members carrying out terrorist attacks against Israelis in countries such as Georgia, Greece and Azerbaijan.

  • In November 2022, an Afghan-Iranian and a Pakistani attempted to kill a prominent Israeli-Georgian living in Tbilisi, under Quds Force orders.
  • This past March, Greek police arrested two Pakistani nationals who were ordered by the irgc to carry out terrorist attacks against a Jewish restaurant and Chabad House in Athens.
  • In July, an Afghan national was arrested on suspicion of planning an attack backed by Iran on the Israeli Embassy in Azerbaijan.

While Taliban leaders are motivated by ideological reasons, ordinary Afghans are driven to join mainly due to economic deprivation and vulnerability in a country ravaged by war and poverty.
—Iran International

Head of terrorism: In his booklet The King of the South, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains that Iran is the “head of the terrorist snake,” and its power is prophesied to grow stronger.

Iran’s tentacles extend throughout the region. As America has withdrawn its forces from Iran and Afghanistan and reduced its presence in the Middle East, Iran has grown even bolder. It is working to strengthen its ties with and extend its influence over the very nations that Scripture indicates will be part of the king of the south alliance.