Kim Jong-un Pledges Support to Russia


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un pledged “full and unconditional support” for Russia’s “just” fight against Ukraine. Kim met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 13. American intelligence suspects this meeting revolved around a possible arms deal.

Russia has risen to a sacred fight to protect its sovereignty and security. We will always support the decisions of President Putin and the Russian leadership … and we will be together in the fight against imperialism.
—Kim Jong-un

According to Russian state media, when asked whether Russia would help North Korea build satellites (which would aid its nuclear abilities), Putin said, “That’s why we have come here. The dprk [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] leader shows keen interest in rocket technology.” He later said the two countries would continue negotiating military cooperation.

Buying arms or providing technology to North Korea violates international sanctions previously supported by Russia.

Asian axis: If this deal goes through, it will strengthen both countries and help create an Asian axis built to oppose the West.

The Bible prophesies that modern-day Asian nations will unite—with Russia at the helm—and field the largest force of troops the world has ever seen (Revelation 9:16). This development shows Putin is directing Eastern leaders to unite.

Learn more: Read our free booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’