Heat and Drought Plague the West


The past two weeks have seen a devastating rise in temperatures in California, resulting in the deaths of over 130 people, and thousands of livestock. With temperatures still hovering around 100, this heat phenomenon is historically quite unusual. “The stretch of 100-plus degree scorchers that descended on the state last week marks the first time in 57 years that both Northern and Southern California have experienced extended heat waves simultaneously, California Undersecretary for Energy Affairs Joe Desmond said” (Foxnews.com, July 25).

Following hot after the Californian heat crisis is the lasting effect of drought. This trend can be seen in Britain and Australia, as well as in the U.S. All three countries are simultaneously experiencing a demoralizing losing battle with nature.

According to climatoligist Mark Svoboda, “More than 60 percent of the United States now has abnormally dry or drought conditions, stretching form Georgia to Arizona and across the north through the Dakotas, Minnesota, Montana and Wisconsin …” (abc News, July 29). Federal Agriculture Department meteorologist in Washington Brad Rippey said, “The 1999 to 2006 drought ranks only behind the 1930s and the 1950s. It’s the third-worse drought on record—period.”

In Britain, the Environment Agency warned that the “drought which had been largely confined to southeast England was now spreading across Britain. The agency, which yesterday banned some East Anglian farms from irrigating crops in order to protect rivers, reported that the levels of underground water on which water companies in the south of England mostly depend, were now ‘exceptionally low’ in several areas outside London” (Guardian,July 26).

And in Australia, the problem is not much better. The island continent is in the midst of its “third-worst drought in the country’s history. The so-called Big Dry is affecting the eastern states of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, as well as South Australia and the southern island of Tasmania” (Breitbart.com, July 24). Australia is already a dry nation; and it is growing drier by the year.

America, Britain and Australia all descended form the biblical nation of Israel (for proof, please read The United States and Britain in Prophecy). The severity and quick succession of these droughts in modern Israel is a curse from God. (Read Leviticus 26:19-20.) Unless these nations repent and begin keeping the laws of God, these curses will continue and intensify.