Empty Hospital Beds, Extra Ventilators and Declining Mortality Rates


[01:00] Listener Feedback (5 minutes)

[06:00] Coronavirus Is Trump’s Fault (6 minutes)

The Democrat media complex is now blaming President Donald Trump for coronavirus deaths. The latest hit piece against Mr. Trump was written by six New York Times reporters.

[12:30] Padding the Stats (30 minutes)

Two weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines to hospitals on reporting COVID-19 deaths. In cases where a definite diagnosis of the disease cannot be made, doctors are to use their clinical judgment to determine if the death was caused by coronavirus or not.

[43:30] Underwhelmed Hospitals (12 minutes)

One overlooked story amidst the coronavirus crisis is how many empty hospital beds there are in the United States and Britain. Outside of the hard-hit cities like London and New York City, hospitals are experiencing record-low emergency room visits. Many hospitals in America have had to furlough hundreds of workers. In Oklahoma City, one hospital even shut down everything except the emergency room.