German Rearmament: ‘I Think That’s a Big Gamble’


[00:59] German Militarism (9 minutes)

United States President Donald Trump continues to encourage Europe to take control of its own defense. This is a calculated risk given Germany’s history.

[09:50] Boris Johnson, a Russian Operative? (18 minutes)

Last week, the British Guardian newspaper published an article based on an intelligence report produced in part by Christopher Steele, alleging that Boris Johnson has been cultivated by Russia over the last five years. Sound familiar? The story didn’t gain much traction in Britain, but now Hillary Clinton has picked up on it, and once again, American media outlets are buzzing with Russian conspiracy theories.

[27:50] Bible Study: Seek Great Things for God (20 minutes)

Do we seek to bring honor to God’s name? Do we fight to bring God, not ourselves, renown? In this segment, we discuss how King David brought glory and honor to God’s name.

[47:13] Listener Feedback (7 minutes)