Robert Mueller’s Witch Hunt

Where does this end? And how will it impact the United States of America?

The following is from the Trumpet Brief sent out yesterday. These daily e-mails contain personal messages from the Trumpet staff. Click here to join the nearly 20,000 members of our mailing list, so you don’t miss another message.

Yesterday the FBI raided the office, home and hotel room of Michael Cohen, the personal attorney of United States President Donald Trump. According to the New York Times, the federal agents seized business records, financial documents, e-mails, phones and computers.

“The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation,” the New York Times wrote, “but most likely resulted from information that he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York” (emphasis added throughout).

Remember: Robert Mueller’s investigation was supposed to find out whether or not candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russians in order to win the 2016 presidential election. Mueller’s team, by all accounts, has not uncovered one shred of evidence to substantiate that allegation.

But that has not discouraged special counsel Mueller from aggressively targeting the Trump administration on all fronts!

“Search warrants are a fairly standard, though aggressive, law enforcement tool,” the Associated Press wrote, “and are often sought in cases where authorities are concerned someone may hide or withhold evidence” (April 9).

Mueller’s team of 17 prosecutors (including numerous left-wing activists) is colluding with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York. And now they have President Trump’s privileged communications with his long-time attorney.

Where does this end? And how will it impact the United States of America?

Those unfamiliar with the ongoing Trump-Russia collusion saga may shrug their shoulders and treat this like it’s just another scandal. But it’s much more than that, as the president himself acknowledged yesterday. “It’s an attack on our country,” he told reporters. “It’s an attack on what we all stand for.”

America is under attack!

Trump has been quite bold in the face of these allegations. He certainly is not without flaws, but the attacks against him—and his remarkable resilience to them so far—are exposing layer after layer of corruption inside the federal government, much of which has carried over from the Obama administration.

In his most recent article for the Trumpet magazine, “Saving America From the Radical Left—Temporarily,” my father wrote: “Donald Trump is a man with serious problems. But the radical left is relentlessly waging war against the president and leading this country to its destruction! And it was only Mr. Trump’s election that prevented even worse troubles from bringing this nation down even more quickly.”

Read that article if you haven’t already. Also be sure to read my father’s booklet America Under Attack. It was first published in 2013. Today’s headlines make this booklet more relevant than ever.

I discussed the Cohen raids at length on my Trumpet Daily Radio Show today: Please click here to listen to “Robert Mueller’s Witch Hunt.”

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