Donald Trump’s Other Speech


Listen to the July 13, 2017 edition of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

United States President Donald Trump’s speech in Poland and visit to the G-20 last week attracted a lot of media attention. But he gave another speech and attended another summit that may be more important.
Mr. Trump gave his complete backing to a new initiative that will, in his words, “transform and rebuild the entire region” of Central and Eastern Europe. A new alliance is forming in this region—one that Herbert W. Armstrong forecast 60 years ago. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer discusses this new alliance and shows how it will affect you.
Also on today’s program, we discuss China’s rise as a naval power. Two weeks ago, China finished construction on one of the most modern and powerful warships in the world. This week China dispatches troops to its first overseas military base. What does China’s meteoric rise as a naval power mean for the world?

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